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Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
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Ginger Atrocity
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Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 09:25
This is mainly directed to US forum posters. I just got home from the library, it' s like 8pm, and I saw a ps3 on Fox. I did a quick double take, and confirmed that it was the new Sony console. Here' s how the add went: -Close up of a 60gig PS3, then it pans out to a baby-doll sitting nakers in a white room. -It pans back to both the PS3 and the nude baby doll in the white room, and then it zooms in again on the baby. - The baby-doll starty crying creepily, and you can see shilouettes of PS3 launch games flash in its eyes. (I saw Resistance, Oblivion, and Warhawk) -The baby starts giggling maniacally, and the tears get sucked back up into its eyes. -And then... the PS3 starts to float... " PS3..." " Play Beyond" " ///7" (11/17) My little sister was seriously starting to freak out.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 26 Oct 06 1:26:16 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 09:36
I haven´t seen that one yet...but i saw the PS3 ad for europe and it sucks big time...i am not saying this because it´s a Sony ad but because it truly suck as an ad. it´s very slow paced and mostly about a old brittish lady routine inside her house and after a while everything starts exploding in her house... what happened to the great ads they used to have like that pile one? where people fought to be king of the hill? but about that US creepy ad...it´s a nice strategy because if they shock people they will have a lot of spotlight which is great for them after a lot of unfortunate statements they did recently.
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 26 Oct 06 1:39:47 >
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 09:52
It was really offputting, coming from a company that is trying to market it as a console to everyone. They were marketing it to everyone who may or may not be a homocidal baby-doll killing freak.
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 10:48
Sounds cool, heh. The best playstation ad I' ve seen was one with the Wolfman, shouting ' I am Wolfman! I ride my rocket around the universe!' I love stuff like that. Anyone see that one? I dunno, I think PS like to target their ads to a more adult audience what with the high pricetag and all...
Iad umboros
Dark Ninja
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 17:03
The freaky ad sounds quite good. I watched the advert Hidemoto talks about yesterday and was shocked. Well, bored might be a better description. Over here for PS2 they had Chris Cunningham and David Lynch direct weird adverts for the " Third Place" campaign which were very effective. The new advert looks like it' s aimed at the queue in to the post office on pensions cheque day!!
Gaiden BLACK
Ninja Dog
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 17:45
I kinda love those ads, I hope they put this on TV because it really makes the ps3 look appealing. ROLL ON MARCH 2007 Lance Henriksen ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 20:35
Edit It was really offputting, coming from a company that is trying to market it as a console to everyone. They were marketing it to everyone who may or may not be a homocidal baby-doll killing freak. I think you' re badly mistaken... i' m pretty sure PS3 is targeted primarily at 18-30 year old guys... ...such advertising is far too edgy for children... ...females even... ...the PS3 is clearly being marketed as the pinnacle example of contemporary adult male technological entertainment..... /Edit ...personally, i think the best ever Playstation adverts are This and This.... ....high concept, sophisticated and with a Lance Henriksen (Aliens / Millennium) voiceover.. ..these ads are up there with Honda' s " Hate something" commercial.... ...buy the way, why does Lance call the Cell a " Broadband Engine" ?...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 26 Oct 06 13:04:20 >
Gaiden BLACK
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 26, 2006 20:50
dunno but the ads rock for sure
Ginger Atrocity
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 27, 2006 05:05
I think you' re badly mistaken... i' m pretty sure PS3 is targeted primarily at 18-30 year old guys... ...such advertising is far too edgy for children... ...females even... ...the PS3 is clearly being marketed as the pinnacle example of contemporary adult male technological entertainment...../Edit
Really? They' ve been marketing it as a home entertainment hub for a while now, surely it' s not directed only at 18-30 year old guys. Now, are those most likely the people who will purchase it? For sure, but it seem a little strange. I' m not saying it was a bad ad, It was quite cool actually. It just doesn' t seem like the right ad for their marketing strategy.
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 27, 2006 11:04
I haven´t seen that one yet...but i saw the PS3 ad for europe and it sucks big time...i am not saying this because it´s a Sony ad but because it truly suck as an ad. it´s very slow paced and mostly about a old brittish lady routine inside her house and after a while everything starts exploding in her house... what happened to the great ads they used to have like that pile one? where people fought to be king of the hill? but about that US creepy ad...it´s a nice strategy because if they shock people they will have a lot of spotlight which is great for them after a lot of unfortunate statements they did recently. Okay, not to sound negative to Europe, but why is sony showing ads for Europe after they screwed them out of ps3' s and are making them wait?
Ninja Dog
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 28, 2006 00:28
Found it. Man, that is some pretty weird shit!
Ginger Atrocity
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 28, 2006 03:04
You think it' s weird there, we' ve been seeing PS3 on the PC for ages now. Try taking a look at one on a TV, it' s unsettling.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 28, 2006 03:06
I can only imagine...that is weird.
Porn addict, Sex expert
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 29, 2006 03:08
...personally, i think the best ever Playstation adverts are This and This.... Now I' d like to see those on tv.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Oct 31, 2006 15:15
I don' t like to think that that PS3 I bought would be haunted and start possessing whatever dolls lying around my house. The last thing I would want is a Child' s Play Chucky situation...especially one possessed by the spirits of Resistance, Oblivion, and Warhawk like some kind of evil triad. Potentially, you can interpret that Sony sees themselves as the baby-doll...it giggles maniacally AFTER seeing the launch titles...which is still seriously creepy... MS can get Chucky...use him as a Spokesman and have him threaten Ken Kutaragi...
Ninja Dog
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RE: Anybody Else See the Creepy Playstation 3 Ad?
Nov 04, 2006 15:59
What the hell were the advertising / public relations guys thinking? If anything it turns people off the product. Fuckin idiots... It generaly creeps the shit out of me and is an utter failure of an advertisement. Way to introduce the PS3 to the masses Sony, fuckin morons.
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