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Any real gamer wants a PS3
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RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 06, 2007 09:46
listing MUA as a great game is plainly riddickulus uhh exactly where did I make the claim that Marvel Ultimate alliance is a great game? This is merely a list of games currently in my library. Some good, some great, some average, etc.. I certainly wouldn' t charecterize MUA as a great game merely an adequate dungeon crawler in Marvel Skins. It does add an action RPG title to my collection and I like to have a wide variety genres in my collection. I wouldn' t charecterize Crackdown, Call of Duty 3, Spiderman 3, Battle For Middle Earth 2, Tiger Woods ' 07 or Dead Rising (though this last one was on the cusp of greatness) as " great games" they are merely games in my library that fill it out to a well rounded selection of genres. I did say the 360 has " a few" great games in its library. I would say that Gears of War, Forza 2, NHL 07 (if you' re a hockey fan), Oblivion and GRAW 2 justify this wild assertion. Yes, I am aware that 360 had a head start but from the point of view of a consumer and a gamer, well, I don' t care. Standing in EB games in June of 2007 I have certain options available. At this time the most varied and highest qualiy experience I can get at a price point I can accept is with the 360. That may well change. PS3 has capabilities and potential that cannot be denied but as yet has shown me nothing that makes me want to part with $700+ (Canadian exch. - $0.94 USD). Once I' ve bought a game, second controller and component cables for HDTV things will have gotten rapidly out of hand. As for Wii, I am not a casual gamer. I' ve been playing console games for over twenty years, longer than most people on this forum have been alive. From Pong to Atari 2600 to Intellivision to NES to Genesis to N64 to PS2 to Xbox to 360-- I' ve always looked for the combination of cutting edge visuals and variety of gameplay. Thus far, from my perspective M$ is holding all the cards this generation and Wii has offered little to satisfy my inner graphics whore. Innovation is great, a full step behind the industry in terms of processing power, not so great. That is ridiculous (note the spelling) from the perspective of the " hardcore" gamer.
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- Joined: Jun 06, 2007
- Location: Well you probably want to know but naw.
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 06, 2007 10:57
PS3!?! For what, It has NO games so far. So far Im sticking with the 360 for halo3 and Its exclusive for GTA4.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 06, 2007 23:23
GTA IV will be on the PS3 and the 360. Don' t be afraid Boikim, it' s ok to come out from the rock you' re under.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 07, 2007 04:50
listing MUA as a great game is plainly riddickulus I liked it. Don' t be afraid Boikim, it' s ok to come out from the rock you' re under.
There are soooo many plays on words I could make with your name Boikim, but you' re new, so I' ll suffice with a " welcome to the forums" .
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- Joined: Jun 06, 2007
- Location: Well you probably want to know but naw.
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 07, 2007 14:09
Yea, dont you think I already knew that, I mean common Ive been a gta fan since GTA:london came out. Ive been to all the best known GTA4 webs including GTA4.net. Anyways the X360 will be getting the exclusive content (PS3 will probably get the exclusives too but later then the 360' s) and so far Its winning the x360vs.ps3 post at gtafuroms.com
< Message edited by Boikim#2 -- 7 Jun 07 6:10:37 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 07, 2007 14:28
Yea, dont you think I already knew that, I mean common Ive been a gta fan since GTA:london came out. Ive been to all the best known GTA4 webs including GTA4.net. Anyways the X360 will be getting the exclusive content (PS3 will probably get the exclusives too but later then the 360' s) and so far Its winning the x360vs.ps3 post at gtafuroms.com Forums are widely known for uninformed speculation and false information. So deciding what platform you will buy a game for before any full on release by the publishing company is made is dumb. As a side note. Fuck anyone who can' t see the merit in any of the three systems, and anyone who wouldn' t like to own any or all of them. I stand by my claim that anyone who doesn' t want any of the three systems isn' t a true gamer.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 07, 2007 16:38
ORIGINAL: Dagashi As a side note. *** anyone who can' t see the merit in any of the three systems, and anyone who wouldn' t like to own any or all of them. I stand by my claim that anyone who doesn' t want any of the three systems isn' t a true gamer. That is just a ridiculous viewpoint to have, it' s like saying if you don' t own a Porsche, a ferrari and an Aston Martin you are not a real driver. It' s complete bollocks, a real gamer is someone who is prepared to put in the time to play games on whatever format, medium and in whatever genre they like, if it means all 3 then fine if it means just one then that makes them no less a real gamer, having people saying that is just what Sony want people to think, " Oh I must get a PS3 otherwise I won' t be a real gamer."
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 7 Jun 07 8:39:35 >
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RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 02:14
Any real gamer lulz at PS3.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 02:20
That is just a ridiculous viewpoint to have, it' s like saying if you don' t own a Porsche, a ferrari and an Aston Martin you are not a real driver. Thats not what I' m saying. What I' m saying is, any real gamer would want all 3 because each is going to have exclusives that will be great, and any true gamer would want to play them. I' m not saying any true gamer has to buy all of them, I' m just saying they should want them. I know not everyone is willing to buy over $1000 in consoles, but I' m saying given them for free, any real gamer would like to have all 3, and purchase games for each. Just like if a real car enthusiast as you mentioned, should want to own Porsche, Ferrari and an Aston if they were given them. a real gamer is someone who is prepared to put in the time to play games on whatever format, medium and in whatever genre they like, if it means all 3 then fine if it means just one then that makes them no less a real gamer I agree with most of that, except that any real gamer would want all the formats to enjoy all the exclusives. As I said, thats not feasible for all gamers, but if they are honest with themselves, they would want all 3 and a PC. For example, I' m planning on only having a Ps3, and 360 Elite this year. I would love to have a high end gaming rig for crysis and UT2007, but I can' t spend $3,000 on a computer at this time, so I have to live without, but I sure as hell want one. I also plan to buy the Wii, but for me, all I would want is Mario Galaxy, with a side interest in Metroid, and I can wait till next year to buy it considering I will already have a 360 and ps3 to keep me busy. To answer the last bit of that run on sentence  , I don' t think any real gamer could only want one platform for gaming, they would be missing out on a lot of great games. Though, I guess I' m being naive, because if they were extremely busy with work/women, and could only game a small amount, then one console would probably suffice, simply because it would offer more than enough great games to keep them busy in the small time they have. So how bout this. IMO any true gamer with an honest amount of time for gaming would want all 3 consoles, and a PC for the exclusives/features that each offer.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 03:16
Thats fair comment, if only Sony would see it that way.
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RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 03:53
If I had the choice. Get a PS3 for free or a Dreamcast... I' m going for the dreamcast  that way I have a back up one can just continue to play Shenmue till the end of time. Shenmue 1/2 are my favorite games. Nothing on PS2 changed my mind, nothing on GC or xbox. And no game most likely no game this generation will change my mind...besides maybe Shenmue 3 Sure there' ll be things on the ps3 and 360 that I would love to give a shot. Or would play at a friends house. I just don' t feel like forking over that much money for a 360 or a ps3. They go on and on about graphics. If I want truly mind blowing graphics I' ll go sit behind my pc. Well where I live most of us think that way purely because we can' t afford all. So we all focus on the one that appeals to us most and when a friend has something you' d like to play just go over there. As for my opinion about true gamers see a few pages back
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 04:09
This was the only thread I could think of to ask this question. Has anyone heard about Sony' s big announcement that 360 users can only dream about at all?
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 05:19
Which is?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 05:34
That was it. I don' t know if it might be a release date for MGS4, or maybe for Killzone 2. I am not sure, but naturally it has me interested. Anyone have any other insight into this?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 06:09
It started with a comment in an allgames.com podcast. Basically one of the guys said the on the 11th they would have the developers of a big PS3 exclusive on the show and that they' d already seen the game and it was the best thing evar! Some have seen it as a small site trying to get more traffic, but allgames.com is owned by G4TV so it is possible they have something. It probably dates back to Sony' s gamers day and it' s probably just been embargo' d until the 11th. It almost certainly won' t be allgames.com exclusive though, ...if it' s anything big then it' ll be hitting every site just as soon as the embargo is lifted. It should be noted that the guys who run the Playstation end of IGN have already said it' s somthing cool but nothing huge. It can' t be Killzone 2 because Harrison said we' d see it in July. I doubt it' s MGS4 because that would dampen the effect it' ll have at E3. It could be Wardevil, it could be 8 Days, ...I guess we' ll find out on monday.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 06:13
Thanks a lot!! That answers a lot of my questions.
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- Joined: Oct 01, 2006
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 08:23
I did say the 360 has " a few" great games in its library. I would say that Gears of War, Forza 2, NHL 07 (if you' re a hockey fan), Oblivion and GRAW 2 justify this wild assertion. All consoles have a few great games in their library, of those you mentioned, you' ll be missing Gears, and Forza on PS3. It will take years before anyone overtake the PS2 in game-library, in any case. That dosn' t mean that people shouldn' t get a new console until it has a comparative console. Right now on PS3, Motorstorm are a great game aswell as almost a new genre in itself. Resistance, is also a great game. Even tough I' m fully aware of that most people here like to call Resistance ' just an average shooter' , but you' ll be hard pressed to come over a single PS3-owner wich will actually recomend CoD3 over the new IP ' Resistance' , CoD wich is one of the leading shooter-brands. :-/ It has everything in it, and everything is done well, weapons, clans, free servers, good story, etc. Oblivion is also on PS3, at the exact same quality of 360, if not better. Dunno about Graw 2, it' s not available in PS3-library until later this month, in Europe I think. So I guess we' ll see. :) I have not tried NHL either, but it' s also available on PS3, IGN says it' s a exact replica of the 360 version, only that sixaxis tilt-control works well in this game, and it' s one of the few games they found more fun with tilt rather than stick-control. However I expect PS3 to overtake the 360 library in sports-games pretty soon, since Sony is also having their own ingame house dedicated to filling out with a few games within some of the sport-franchises, while MS seems to leave that up to 2k and EA. I expect that it will start to suffer abit on PS2 in the future, since they laid off a good deal of people. :-( All platforms however, have great sports-games, i.e. Virtua Tennis is a great game, I can only assume it must be fantastic if you like Tennis in reallife, I hate RL-tennis, but the VT-series rock.. :P Tiger Woods might be great too, however I don' t like RL-Golf asmuch. But I' m very hyped for Hot Shots Golf 5 hopefully coming soon, think I' m going to import it since games on PS3 don' t have zones, and Clap Hanz game usually takes awhile from getting around the globe. :) Shown the PSP-game off to two people, one person bought a PSP with the game, and the second occupied my PSP for 5 hours. :-/ The case I' m making however, is that PS3 has a game-library too, it will offcourse most likely take a while to build it up to differ enough from PS2/360/Wii' s library, for most gamers to be pushed over the edge from ' wanting' it, to ' getting' it, but time will tell when it gets there. :-) I didn' t have any problems with the price, and I like to buy the games when they' re relatively new, so I bought it immediately instead of abandoning great games while waiting for the must-have titles, i.e. Gran Turissmo, etc. :)
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 08, 2007 09:07
Ugh. The " real gamer" topic is getting tired. No really, it' s putting a bad taste in my mouth every time it' s ugly head rears. I don' t care what a real gamer is, & neither should any of you.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 11, 2007 16:22
I really hate to state what lots have said so far but I want to put my own spin on it. I want a PS3 and I want a lot of things but I think we all want a lot of stuff( hell even if you aren' t a gamer you could sell the PS3 and make quite a bit of money). And I think that a good verdict is that everyone has a different opinion and that almost eveyone has valid points to go along with them. And I don' t think that anyone should really care if someone else goes and gets a 360 or if they get a PS3 just get what you think is best. Ugh. The " real gamer" topic is getting tired. No really, it' s putting a bad taste in my mouth every time it' s ugly head rears. I don' t care what a real gamer is, & neither should any of you. I agree that its getting old and I just joined this forum.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Any real gamer wants a PS3
Jun 11, 2007 17:27
ORIGINAL: Torr ...hell even if you aren' t a gamer you could sell the PS3 and make quite a bit of money... Did something happen since i was last online 9 hours ago? Oh, and welcome! :) ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Ugh. The " real gamer" topic is getting tired. No really, it' s putting a bad taste in my mouth every time it' s ugly head rears. I don' t care what a real gamer is, & neither should any of you. ORIGINAL: Nitro Terms like " Fanboy" and " Real gamer" piss me off. Label me and i' ll cut your ***ing nuts off...
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