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Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 05, 2008 07:01
Silicon Knights boss Denis Dyack reckons games or films grouped together posthumously are nothing more than marketing ploys. Too Human, on the other hand, has been designed from the outset to be told in three parts, and Dyack believes there are very few games or films created in this manner. " I' m very, very leery of these games that are successful and are suddenly called a trilogy when they' re on the third one. Because that' s just marketing," Dyack told MTV Multiplayer. " Too Human, from when we started to work on the game for the 360, has been a trilogy. For the first game, the theme is discovery; the second game, the theme is revenge; the third game is enlightenment. " We know exactly what' s going to happen from beginning to end. It' s planned out in such a way that there is without question a reason for the three parts. If there would have been a reason for four parts, we wouldn' t call it a trilogy, we would call it a canto, I guess," he added. Dyack goes on to question if Star Wars was ever conceived as a trilogy by George Lucas [DO NOT QUESTION THE MASTER - Dep Ed], but says he' s very keen on the Lord of the Rings films and their approach. " I not only love Lord of the Rings; I think what they did was a smart way of doing things," explained Dyack. " You really need confidence in the whole trilogy to do it. And that' s sort of where things stand today. It' s hard to get things off the ground. You have to have big buy-in." And Too Human has had a big spend, with each episode said to cost around USD 80 million to 100 million. Too Human is an action role-playing game based around Norse Mythology. It' s futuristic, but is set long, long ago [Hmm, sounds strangely familiar - Dep Ed]. You play as god Baldur and go around bashing or shooting the snot out of enemies. Central to its premise is co-operative play for you and three friends. This will let you team up after you finish the original campaign and go off and tackle baddies on a much tougher difficulty for much flashier loot. It is certainly promising, and Dyack has previously said it will definitely be out this year. However, there is no news on when, which probably means it will be closer to Christmas. Pop over to our Too Human gamepage to catch up on trailers, screenshots, and features. why dont i think its good to make comments like this when your game hasnt been released yet
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 05, 2008 07:54
I was hoping he was going to bash the Star Wars prequels. I would have agreed with him 100% because they' re fuc.king garbage. However... does it matter whether the original trilogy was meant to be a trilogy? They' re the backbone of the sci-fi genre and are completely cohesive. It' s even more amazing that they were directed by 3 different people - something Lucas should have done with the prequels, ...because then we might have had at least 2 more decent Star Wars movies. Does it matter that the Alien films weren' t meant to be a trilogy (mention Resurrection and you die!) ??? All 3 are kick ass and again, are major bulletpoints in the sci-fi genre. Funnily enough, all three were also directed by different people... Too Human will have been in development for nearly 10 years when it' s released, spanning 3 consoles and at least 2 storylines. It looks like shit and they' ve only made a single decent game (Eternal Darkness) in the past decade and that was meant to be a N64 game. Twin Snakes was awful and Legacy of Kain was released way back in 1996. We' re talking about a studio that has more than 140 employees and is still looking at expansion. A studio that' s involved in a lawsuit with arguably the industries biggest independent developer. A studio who has everything to lose. Dyack needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. Respect is earned and Silicon Knights haven' t earned fuc.k all this gen. Eternal Darkness was awesome but deeply flawed game, and that has kept me from writing them off completely, but it' s not enough to make me believe they' ll pull Too Human off. They destroyed Metal Gear.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 05, 2008 10:46
He' s actually starting to remind me of the old Molyneux, in the way he does like to run his mouth off when talking about his ' baby' . Too Human has a lot to live up to, though to be fair they did have a rough start in 06.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 05, 2008 15:04
Twin Snakes was awful I think callign Twin Snakes awful is an exaggeration. It wasnt a buggy game, the it followed the storyline of the PS1 game. Maybe people who did play the original thought it had been taken in a different direction, but for someone like me, who didnt have a PS1, it was a good way to get introduced to MGS. A fairly decent expirience in my book
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 06, 2008 02:50
With all due respect to Dyack , he just keeps saying the same f.cking things over and over and over again .. Everytime a new too human vid releases he says its an action-rpg based on norse mythology .. We get it already .. Release the damn thing already and shut up .
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 07, 2008 03:42
I agree 100% with you 2pac. Dyack needs to shut his mouth up until the game is FINALLY released, see how well it is received, and only then should he open his mouth up.........................................................or keep it shut forever. Oh, and the whole Black Monkey of Norway bit was horrendous. They could have at least put some effort into making it seem a little bit believable or at the very least interesting. Instead I was left thinking to myself What the F.uck.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 08, 2008 02:21
Companies make 2 sequels to a successful game/movie and call it a trilogy. What would you call a first part of a trilogy that fails and causes the next parts to be canceled?  I think callign Twin Snakes awful is an exaggeration. It wasnt a buggy game, the it followed the storyline of the PS1 game. Maybe people who did play the original thought it had been taken in a different direction, but for someone like me, who didnt have a PS1, it was a good way to get introduced to MGS. You are a special case. If you did play the PS1 version youd know that the GC game sucked. Now head to the nearest shop and pick up MGS the essential collection ASAP!!!
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 08, 2008 03:19
I think callign Twin Snakes awful is an exaggeration. It wasnt a buggy game, the it followed the storyline of the PS1 game. Maybe people who did play the original thought it had been taken in a different direction, but for someone like me, who didnt have a PS1, it was a good way to get introduced to MGS. A fairly decent expirience in my book It is not an awful game. But it is an awful " remake" of a great game. The main problems with it (for me): 1. They added the moves from MGS2, such as hanging, hiding bodies, etc. But they did not rework the stages. MGS stages were not built for MGS2 moves, so the new moves addition are irrelevant and mostly useless in Twin Snakes. 2. The cut-scenes. If I had wanted to watch the Matrix or some sort of fantasy movie with people flying and shit, I would have gone and bought something along the lines. They turned Snake into some sort of super-soldier/acrobat/jedi, and that' s not how he is at all. He is a super operative, but mostly tied to reality. And it sorely sticks out when you compare it with MGS2 and MGS3 and most likely MGS4 as completely unrealistic. 3. The controls sucked on the GC. The one re-deeming quality Twin Snakes had, was implementing the AI behaviors from MGS2, which are vastly superior to those of MGS. So yeah Vx, if you get the chance, play the PS MGS
< Message edited by chimura -- 7 Apr 08 20:06:15 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 08, 2008 08:52
I just bought the orginal ps1 version on ebay, going through the complete series before 4, even if I know it all anyway Yeah Twin snakes was a sham, Sk really killed alot of the scenes.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Another reason for Nitro to bash Dyack!
Apr 08, 2008 18:52
Silent just get MGS The Essential Collection. it has MGS, MGS2 Substance and MGS3 Subsistance for less than 30$.
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