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And sony continues with stupid actions...
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RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 09:39
I' m black and I don' t care! Sit down, chew bubblegum and play CoD2. Majik, you ditched me!
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 09:41
i won´t discuss if it´s racist or not...but come on...they could have been smarter and come up with a great to advertise the new psp without giving the smallest idea of racism...that´s why i said stupid actions
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RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 09:44
What? They should' ve expected that an ad with a black and a white woman who contrasts each other would be found rasist? That' s stupid! None of them were shown as " inferior" or anything. One is black and one is white. They don' t look the same. So what? How can people be upset with that? I suppose no company will ever have the guts to have black and white people in the same ad after this.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 13 Jul 06 1:45:23 >
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 11:05
I dissagree that the US was built on slavery. Slavery took a large part in forming the U.S. I can' t deny that, and I won' t bring up the " north outlawed slavery" argument either, because I know they were supported economically by the south, but i think your statement generalises The States as a country with an immoral foundation. OK, that was a big generalization on my part. Not all of the founders of the US agreed with slavery and there was always a struggle to abolish it. But since it is a big part of the history of the US, and some very real inequalities exist to this day, what I' m saying is that it shouldn' t be surprising that people in the US are going to react strongly to matters of race. The african-american woman in the picture isn' t portrayed as any less than the caucasian woman. Its just displaying the differences between the two. Well, there is one factor that you didn' t mention and that is that they are portrayed as being in physical conflict with each other. There are also additional sexual subtexts. So, I think it' s understandable that there are strong emotional reactions to these images. I' m not saying i don' t respect you or your opinion, but i don' t think you have the right to condemn advertisements that were created to appeal to a European market. You' ll see naked women on billboards in Europe, ...would you find that offensive or inappropriate? Well, Majik, this is a huge issue. I could only say as for your question about nude women in advertising, as with any media, I personally think there are ways to do it that are respectful and there are ways to do it that are objectifying or exploiting. Bottom line, I do think that artists have social responsibility and I would relate it to games by saying that " Shenmue" has much more integrity than " GTA" ; clearly women and people of different races are treated in very different ways in those games. As for your argument about the advertisements being geared specifically to Europe, Sony is operating as an international company so people in other countries have a right to know if they are doing something they consider inappropriate in another market. Sony Europe certainly has the right to disregard criticism coming from another continent; I' m glad they responded to this issue though.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 11:13
Zoy man, if you dig that deep you' ll find racism in every ad in the world. What a world we live in. So what if they are using the different races to show the difference between the PSP' s? Black people are black and white people are white. Are you trying to deny that people doesn' t look the same? Well... in the late 80s and early 90s in the States, I' m not sure if these ads appeared in Europe or not, there was a very high profile ad campaign for the clothing company Benetton called " United Colors of Benetton" which certainly focused on differences in race. That campaign was rather controversial as well, but I think there were clear qualitative differences in the matter of respectfulness... basically that campaign was depicting beauty, whereas the Sony campaign depicts somewhat sexualized violent conflict. Also, black people are actually varying shades of brown and white people are varying shades of pink and tan. So, this is another thing to think critically about. I think you are probably right that this ad campaign was designed as a sort of publicity stunt as well, which in my mind is just another example of poor taste and lack of integrity. Btw. Zoy, are you black? I' m not black, but I think you' ll find that people of any particular race will have differing opinions on any subject. I am a supporter of the NAACP and I respect their efforts to defend the civil rights of people of all races, not just black people. Anyway, cheers to everyone for a mostly respectful discussion.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 16:11
It' s getting tedious that people (mostly Americans) can get themselves so upset over nothing. They are clearly not racist, they are undertones of sex and violence, but thats what our world is today sex sells. People are too serious about things. It seems like Zoy is very hearty about the issue, dont get worked up about something which is clearly just fun! Its almost like the gay people in Holland when Postal 2 was released, they were in an uproar because you could kill gay people in it! But as the developer said, you can kill everyone else as well! I think people are right in making controversial art, adds, movies, media and games, if people didnt, art would go no where, and the world would be so boring. Racisme is bad Mkay?
Chee Saw
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RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 20:06
Okay. Now let' s get this straight. You guys don' t see how this... ...might offend people? First of all, the white woman is holding the black womans face in a very disrespectful manner. Then, when you add in the slogan " White is coming" , it seems like a warning. Personally, I find all of the pictures in bad taste, but the one above is BY FAR the worst offender. Hell, if white was released first, and black was coming out and they put this up... ...and they used the slogan " Black is coming" I' d find that tastless, too. It' s not really racist, per se, but it is insensitive I think.
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RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 20:10
I think both women are pretty. Wouldn' t mind being in the centre of them.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 20:43
I think it' s a smart ad. It' s daring so it gets attention. That' s probably the reason they kept the idea depsite the risks. They probably thought that people would first react with a " Wow, sexy. Wait! Is that a black woman fighting a white woman? Is that racist?" and then go " Oh, I see, the ad is for a black electronics product that now gets accompanied by a white one. Tehehe smart." Both women look beautiful and very proud. They' re both strong and neither looks any less than the other. It reflects the image Sony wants their PSP' s to have. They' re both great. Even though they' re different. I understand that if you keep thinking about it and try to come up with strange ideas then the ad is offending but if you just losen up and try to look at it as I do I' m sure you' ll find the ad to be pretty cool.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 13 Jul 06 12:57:12 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 20:46
I don' t care whether Americans find them racist. They weren' t used in the US they were used in Europe and it' s very different here! The black and ethnic population here didn' t complain, it' s was some pissy American websites/blogs no doubt looking to get a few more readers. Offensive?! Invading a country is offensive. Lying about why you' re going there is offensive. Trying to police the entire world is offensive. Tell me again why black Afro-Americans should give a toss about these ads being used in another country when the people complaining about them are white Americans who did nothing when Katrina hit?! I' m black and I don' t care! Sit down, chew bubblegum and play CoD2. I would guess that the majority of black Americans don' t care either. Since it was American games websites that first picked it up and complained, it' s fair to say that in general it' s white people complaining. As i said, in Europe it' s different, people social views and tastes are different. Majik, you ditched me! We tried inviting you back into the next set of matches but you had gone to the dashboard?! You missed out on a couple of awesome games in Stalingrad. I was neck and neck with Lucid for about 100 kills. Oh, and if you haven' t already, add Lucid Tour, we' re playing again tonight with Slammer.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 22:17
It' s far from stupid - this AD is the thing that the whole industry was talking about.People on forums are often like little retards who call things stupid when they don' t understand their purpose. It' s was meant to be controversial from the very beginning.Have you seen the jesus ad for Italy? Oh I also agree with majik - some guys say Loco Roco is racist - as long as people look for racist behaviours, racism won' t die
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 13 Jul 06 14:20:46 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 22:19
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ It' s far from stupid - this AD is the thing that the whole industry was talking about.People on forums are often like little retards who call things stupid when they don' t understand their purpose :) It' s was meant to be controversial from the very beginning.Have you seen the Jesus Ad for italy? It may have invited controversy but it' s certainly not racist.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 22:21
You missed out on a couple of awesome games in Stalingrad. I was neck and neck with Lucid for about 100 kills. Oh, and if you haven' t already, add Lucid Tour, we' re playing again tonight with Slammer. Great, because that was fun last night. I couldn' t join your session in progress for whatever reason, but I don' t mind some tonight... I' ll add him as soon as!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 13, 2006 23:28
ORIGINAL: Tiz You missed out on a couple of awesome games in Stalingrad. I was neck and neck with Lucid for about 100 kills. Oh, and if you haven' t already, add Lucid Tour, we' re playing again tonight with Slammer. Great, because that was fun last night. I couldn' t join your session in progress for whatever reason, but I don' t mind some tonight... I' ll add him as soon as! GRAW and CoD2 are on tonights agenda!   back to the threads topic, i like SPOnG' s take on it... But who exactly has complained about this advert? SPOnG suspect that it' s predominantly Birkenstock-wearing white middle-class people. And in our opinion they' d be better targeting their outrage at corporations not for running some fairly second-rate advertising, but instead for refusing to fund better levees, for systematically excluding black people from anything but the lowest-paid and most menial jobs, for discriminating against brown-skinned minorities as ' potential terror threats' and for avoiding taxes so aggressively that the government cuts back on health-care and education in the poorest (black) areas. And what about the black model in the advert, is she a traitor to her skin colour, or did she maybe not think that it was such a big issue. Full Article
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 14, 2006 01:30
It' s not that difficult to figure out why people would be offended by the ad. There has been a history racial tension across the world between blacks and whites. Culture is a result of history. The ad uses color and race as a basis to distinguish the women, then puts them in conflict. Using racial conflict to advertise a product is so silly i wonder how that ad got out of the offices.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: And sony continues with stupid actions...
Jul 16, 2006 06:14
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