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RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 20, 2007 13:38
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated You' ve never seen an arms shop in your life? What country? India
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 20, 2007 14:01
quote: ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated You' ve never seen an arms shop in your life? What country? India Never seen one in the UK either tbh...
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 20, 2007 15:44
I' ve never seen an arms shop either. I know there are some around, I just haven' t seen them.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 20, 2007 16:54
Depends what you mean by an arms shop? There are gunsmiths about but they tend to be joined with fishing tackle and country pursuits, as opposed to an ammunation style shop. However to purchase a gun you have to have a licence, to get a licence you have to prove that you go on regular shoots (Pheasant), or that you are a competition shooter (Clay pidgeons.) These guns tend to be shotguns, the only other way to hold of anything else legally is by joing a licenced gun club. In answer to your disbelief about the number of shootings, the UK doesn' t have as bigger gun culture as the states, however it is becoming more prevalent in the largely mixed culture areas, however we are at the moment having a spate of knife attacks which are in particular involving teenage boys.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 20 Apr 07 8:56:23 >
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 21, 2007 03:22
I' ve only seen one arms shop (though I never really go out of my way to look). It is where I fire guns and target practice. What we do is gather homeless people and put them at the other end of the long room. From there we try to kill them with as few shots as possible. Not only does this help eliminate our homeless problem, but it is fun for us gun-cRaZy Americans as well. I enjoy it! Yes, I have actually touched and fired a real gun. Who wants my autograph?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 21, 2007 04:04
You' re a slovenly bastard & you' ll burn in hell. Keep away foul vagabond! quote: ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated You' ve never seen an arms shop in your life? What country? India Huh.  Learn something new every day. Never seen one in the UK either That doesn' t suprise me one bit. There' s not large amounts of solely firearm-stores, they do tend to be folded in with camping/fishing/sports stores, but I' m on very good terms with someone who owns a gun shop, & he' s not your average red-blooded American idiot. What we do is gather homeless people and put them at the other end of the long room. From there we try to kill them with as few shots as possible. Not only does this help eliminate our homeless problem, but it is fun for us gun-cRaZy Americans as well. I enjoy it!
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 21, 2007 06:35
ORIGINAL: alijay034 In answer to your disbelief about the number of shootings, the UK doesn' t have as bigger gun culture as the states, however it is becoming more prevalent in the largely mixed culture areas, however we are at the moment having a spate of knife attacks which are in particular involving teenage boys. You savages need to get with the 21st century. I have a couple of shotguns and rifles. I' m pretty much a ninja when it comes to aim. Probably has to do with my 20-10 vision.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 21, 2007 08:42
Guns are bad m' kay...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 21, 2007 11:08
Guns are cool. Psychopaths are bad. " I' m pretty much a ninja when it comes to aim. Probably has to do with my 20-10 vision. " It could be good, but I doubt it' s 20-10.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 21, 2007 13:28
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Guns are cool. Psychopaths are bad. " I' m pretty much a ninja when it comes to aim. Probably has to do with my 20-10 vision. " It could be good, but I doubt it' s 20-10. I got my eyes checked this year and the smallest their chart went was 20-15 and that was crystal clear. So I' m just assuming 20-10. It could be better. Yep, I' m a ninja.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 24, 2007 05:16
Likewise, what they don' t tell you in the doctors office is that the little E' s & M' s become much more clear when you look at them from a little to the left or right. So by their books I also have 20/15, but I' m positive I wouldn' t put money on the line at that distance. Also, good vision is only half of the issue with proper aim. Steadying your hand is more of a hinderance to most people than poor vision, especially with larger rifles.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 24, 2007 05:20
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Steadying your hand is more of a hinderance to most people than poor vision, especially with larger rifles. That' s because they' re puny wimps.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 24, 2007 08:22
That' s because they' re puny wimps. It' s because people aren' t used to keeping their hands still for any long period of time. Try it with your index finger & your pinky. Put your pinky out where the front sight of a rifle would be, and hold your other hand' s index finger by your eye, and watch the shaking.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 24, 2007 08:29
Hmm maybe I should change my Xbox Live picture...not the public one but the personal pic... But it took me so long to get such a cool pic with the Xbox Vision cam :(
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: A new massacre in USA!
Apr 24, 2007 08:33
Shooting at a non moving target is totally different from a " Live" target. When shooting at targets in competition it is not just about aim, it is controlling your breathing and your heart rate, specialist sniper training teaches you how to get your breathing and heart rate to be in sync with each other, moving targets you just point and shoot if you have an auto or semi auto then you squeeze off rounds until you hit your objective.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: A new massacre in USA!
May 16, 2007 23:32
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: A new massacre in USA!
May 17, 2007 00:52
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: A new massacre in USA!
May 17, 2007 07:11
Thats america for you. Minority colored people cant have guns, but a 10 month old baby can?
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: A new massacre in USA!
May 17, 2007 07:59
That' s right. We have a law that says black people can' t have guns.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: A new massacre in USA!
May 17, 2007 08:21
That' s right. We have a law that says black people can' t have guns. Im talking about the fact that a redneck can walk in to a gun retailer and buy a gun and walk out pretty much no questions asked but if a different colored guy walks in (most of the time, especially where i live) and gets asked all sorts of questions. Actually in one of my local walmarts a white guy went in a bought a gun, went to his car, grabbed some ammunition, came in, and shot his exwife who was a cashier in the middle of the store. And prior to that day a black man went in and they wouldnt give him a gun because they said he wasnt a good candidate, so he took it to court.
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