tri-ace is huge in Japan and behind series like Star ocean and Valkyrie profile.
Basicaally a AAA rpg company,their battle system is often real time,but can be mixed into more tradidtional system for thos who wish.
ANyway Starocean kick ass,we all know it!!!!!!
Btw what can we see from the pic?
I like to say medival but,these star ocean has had magic and plate armor in these diffrent planets too,ofc not every character cared for armor or sword/magic instead technology/guns.
Oh MS paid these dev to make a 360 rpg,so its exclsuive and will be shown at TGS.
And here is some LO info.
Famitsu also had an interview with Sakaguchi, some highlights (stolen from Gaf):
- In the opening movie for Lost Odyssey you can seamlessly input commands for the battle scene.
- Combat is not action driven but command menu driven.
- The playable demo lasts for 40-60 minutes.
- The final game will have even higher quality than the demo.
- The modeling for the movies are almost identical to the realtime models.
- Inoue (the character designer) is personally checking all the models.
- The demo' s battles will just the most basic part of the system. The more indepth systems will be excluded.
- The character growth systems and so on will be in the final game only.
- Surviving enemies inherit the powers of those who are killed.
- Since the main character cannot die either there will not be a possibility of game over.
- The final game will use a physics engine.
- The final text message on the playable demo was written by Shigematsu (scenario writer for the various short stories that make up the game).
- Lost Odyssey will be playable at TGS, with the demo disc being released with Famitsu in early November.
- Lost Odyssey will be out in 2007.
- Blue Dragon will DEFINITELY be released within 2006.
- ASH is being targeted for the first half of 2007.
- There will be more titles being announced from Mistwalker.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Sep 06 19:45:28 >