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 A List with the best selling games!
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A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 08:58
First off all remember how SONY said GTA has meant nothing to selling the ps2 and making it successful after losing the exclusive?

Well i just saw the top 5 selling games that was on the ps2...look here.

1. Gran Turismo 3 (14.36 million)
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (13.63 million) [443]
3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (13.44 million)
4- Grand Theft Auto III (11.42 million)
5. Final Fantasy X (7.93 million)


So the 3 GTA games made on the ps2 landed on the top 5 most sold games on the ps2.

HMMMMMM GTA doesnt mean much,okay ...

However seeing how statistic only tell the truth i had to find out which was the best selling rpg franchise off all time,i just had too...

Nr1 Pokémon (143 million) ...

There you have it,all you small kiddies was right,pokemon is the best rpg franchie ever made.!!

However pokemon has been sold in blue-red,silver and gold etc etc,so if we look for the best sold RPG in just one game,and not a diffrent series,its...


RPG - Final Fantasy VII (PS1 - 9.72 million)

I told you FF7 was the best game ever made :P

Oh btw here is the top 20 off all time...

* Super Mario Bros. (NES - 40.24 million) [54]
* Pokémon Red, Blue and Green (GB - 31.37 million) [55]
* Tetris (GB - 30.26 million) [56]
* Duck Hunt (NES - 28.31 million) [57]
* Pokémon Gold and Silver (GBC - 23.10 million) [58]
* Super Mario World (SNES - 20.61 million) [59]
* Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES - 18 million+) [60]
* Super Mario Land (GB - 18.14 million) [61]
* Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (GBA - 14.74 million) [62]
* Pokémon Yellow (GB - 14.64 million) [63]
* Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2 - 14.36 million) [64]
* Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2 - 13.58 million) [65]
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2 - 13.47 million) [66]
* Super Mario 64 (N64 - 11.89 million) [67]
* Grand Theft Auto III (PS2 - 11.39 million) [68]
* Super Mario Land 2 (GB - 11.18 million) [69]
* Gran Turismo (PS1 - 10.84 million) [70]
* Super Mario All-Stars (SNES - 10.55 million) [71]
* Mario Kart 64 (N64 - 9.87 million) [72]
* Final Fantasy VII (PS1 - 9.72 million) [73]

ps! its funny how the best sold action game off all time was MGS2 which also came on the XBOX,apparently kojima never thought that a 360 would help his Mgs4 sell like butter ;)

Also i see n a lot of people at this site syaing Shenmue sold extremely bad...


Well Shenmue1 sold 1.2 million ex.

I dont have numbers on Shenmue 2 though.

But that is a fine number still...
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 11 Jul 06 1:02:52 >

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 09:47
happy to see that FF7 sold that´s a masterpiece

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 09:57
FF10 sold 7.8 millions,so did FF8 also.
Joe Redifer

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 10:05
Final Fantasy 7 is NOT the best game in the world. I bought it when it came out and I hated every second of it. The graphics sucked ass even for their time. Sephiroth looked too cute (as in " adorable like a kitten" , not " teh hawt" ). How am I supposed to be afraid of a villian who looks like a lego toy? The music wanted me to be afraid of him, but the graphics wanted me to laugh at him. I played up to the part where Cloud starts trying on women' s clothes because he is a flaming homo. It was supposed to be a " funny" scene where Cloud was hiding from bad guys. It was stupid. I sold the game immediately, knowing that I could never be entertained by it. What a horrible waste of my life that was. I really, really wish I could have that time back and do something more productive and entertaining, like stare at the wall.

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 10:12
hopefully the updated version for the ps3 will change your mind Joe.

Yeah but I agree, its not the best game in the world.

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 10:38
Cloud dressed himself out to be a girl to enter a sleezy guy club,and sephiroth' s name or his face isn' t shown that early.

I pitty the fool who says anything against ff7.

Also you saw that the Japanese people voted ff7 as the 2nd best game ever done.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 11 Jul 06 2:39:04 >

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 11:52
gran turismo is huge, i can belive they were able to ship 14.3 million units, i wonder what would happend if Sony were to let players to play Gran Turismo 3, 4 and 5 online for free, that would be awesome, think about it, u are playin grant turismo 5 in your new PS3 and then u feel a little nostalgic, so you grab your old GT 3 copy and play a few fast races, many nintendo games...

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 12:14
I too never liked ff7, i thought it catered more to the cutsey anime crowd and tried to prolong it' s self with random fights.
While lots of rpgs do this, some do it less then others.

I would rather be doing something else, or making progress.
Or even better, fill your games with CONTENT!
Joe Redifer

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 12:14

sephiroth' s name or his face isn' t shown that early.
Yeah but I' ve seen it a-plenty on the internet and in the " Memories of FF7" section or whatever it was called in the Advent Children DVD. He looks like he is meant to be played with by children ages 2-6, max. What a ridiculously lame game it was. Then again, I' ve always hated pretty much anything that Square has programmed (you are required to be a teenage fanboy without a girlfriend to enjoy their games). Only Rad Racer and World Runner 3D are acceptable.

Awww, look how cuddly-wuddly he looks.
So precious! Oh, he' s supposed to be evil
and menacing? He looks like a wooden toy.

Also, Square loves guys who look like girls. They LOVE that. I wonder if their character designers are required to be homosexual before they are hired.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 11 Jul 06 4:24:51 >

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 13:39
even the, square just ripped off sega.

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 11, 2006 20:27
I like FFVII.
Don' t know what to say about the graphics but the art direction is great. I still get impressed by many of the cool environments and character designs.
Sephiroth, he' s cool. Looks like a girl? Not really, he' s got long hair and is relatively skinny but I like that. I don' t like the boring old macho evil dudes.
Anyway, that top 20... NINTENDO OWNS IT!!!! 14/20 titles where Nintendo' s. Yeah!

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 12, 2006 00:37
Well i consider GTA to be Nintendos Zelda,think if that would turn multiplattform.

You could look at the 5th most sold ps2 game and see Final Fantasy,sure,however Halo has now sold almost 7 million,basically equal to its sales.

So now people have the oppurtunity to buy a xbox360 and get games like Gears of war,Halo3,Alan wake,and GTA.

ANd if they want a RPG,Sakaguchi' s(creator of Final Fantasy) is making 3 rpg' s,now ofc his new games wont have the same hype as FF,however who cares if that sells any close to FF serie?

When its coming out for you.

And look at what biowares doing,a epic trilogy,i took the avg ratio of each bioware game,like baldurs gate,neverwinter nights,kotor,jade empire and some more that i forget.

the avg ratio on all games together was 93% i dont even thin ksquare-enix is close t that.

So we have now a Action and RPG console with GTA serie,looking very good for 360.

ps! about FF7,it has sold now 9.7 millios in 2005 december,probably 10 million at this day since the movie came later this year in US/EU.

Sure the avg ratio in score was 9.2 over at gamerankings,but they included reviews as with a guy who aved it 6/10 and said he doesnt evn like RPG' s,good think they add these kind of reviews and not europeans/japanese.

And look how its loved,2nd best game ever by the japanese people,and the first blockbuster rpg worldwide.

I gotta say FF7 isn' t forevryone but ireally think its the best game ever.

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 12, 2006 03:35
How could Zelda Ocarina of Time not be in the list? Come on!!! I think its the gratest game ever and am just shocked that it didn' t make it into list.[:' (]

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 12, 2006 03:45
FF7 was great, sure character graphics were poor but it was funny though. Like FF8 had more " human" look but i didn´t even bothered to finish that game.
Even if character´s graphics were poor at least backgrounds had a lot of quality.

Jet Set Radio also has a anime look and it´s one of the best games i ever played.

What i find really disturbing is seeing that Shenmue sold that bad. Maybe because Dreamcast and Xbox had a small amount of user base at the time of it´s release.

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 12, 2006 04:33


How could Zelda Ocarina of Time not be in the list? Come on!!! I think its the gratest game ever and am just shocked that it didn' t make it into list.[:' (]

The N64 wasn' t as popular as the PS1.

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 12, 2006 04:41
Zelda ocarina of time sold 7.6 million ex,basically a bit lesser then FF7 and FF8.

Ginjirou is also right,N64 sold like 40-50 million ex,while ps1 sold around 100.

You talking about twice as big fanbase over at SONY with thier ps1.

Haha,seriouslys stfu,you old womens and you few muslims who protested at this must be retarded irl...

" Version 1.2 only has green blood. Finally, the original theme for the Fire Temple was offensive to the Muslim community, who felt that it was based on an Islamic prayer call. In response, Nintendo replaced it in version 1.2 with a new theme in later cartridges, considered by many to be inferior. Nintendo was later forced to change the crescent moon and star symbol of the Gerudo to a design originally used to represent the Gerudo pirates in Majora' s Mask for the GameCube re-release, again due to Muslim protest."

" Whilst thou save the girl, or play like one?"

This tagline caused some offence, particularly towards female players, and the commercial was pulled quickly...
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 11 Jul 06 20:46:10 >

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 12, 2006 05:59

Haha,seriouslys stfu,you old womens and you few muslims who protested at this must be retarded irl...

" Version 1.2 only has green blood. Finally, the original theme for the Fire Temple was offensive to the Muslim community, who felt that it was based on an Islamic prayer call. In response, Nintendo replaced it in version 1.2 with a new theme in later cartridges, considered by many to be inferior. Nintendo was later forced to change the crescent moon and star symbol of the Gerudo to a design originally used to represent the Gerudo pirates in Majora' s Mask for the GameCube re-release, again due to Muslim protest."

" Whilst thou save the girl, or play like one?"

This tagline caused some offence, particularly towards female players, and the commercial was pulled quickly...

by the way things are going soon everybody won´t be able to say anything ...where´s the freedom of speech?

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RE: A List with the best selling games! - Jul 12, 2006 09:58
those guys have nothing better to do but get offened by everything.

If a game mentioned we where the worest group of Forum people in the entire internet, I' d be quite chuffed that we got mentioned by a game. Not offened.

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