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720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
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720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 03, 2007 19:12
Trivia King
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 03, 2007 19:35
Thanks Nitro for such an extensive collection of comparison shots. The PS3 images do appear much shinier, almost too shiny giving some of the images an almost cartoonish quality. The night backgrounds do look crisper on the PS3, but car models appear more detailed on the 360. I guess on who thinks which is better is going to come down to personal taste, but I personally don' t see a significant difference over which looks better. Do you think the VGA update will make a huge difference to the 360?
Winner! SEP 2005
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 03, 2007 22:34
The 360 wins out in most of them. Some of the PS3 screen caps look like complete ass (see enchant arms). But it' s not usually like the difference is night and day. And in real life, you' re not going to notice it because no sane person would be running a 360 and PS3 right next to each other simultaneously.
Ninja Dog
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 05:00
I have never seen enchanted arms screens on the ps3 until today, and I' m appalled. It looks like a poorly made ps2 game in a lot of cases. I wonder if they even changed any code, it appears they just slapped it on a blu ray disc and hoped it worked. They should really be ashamed of themselves, and I hope nobody bought that piece of trash.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 06:24
Enchanted Arms is disgusting, but everything else holds up a lot better than I expected.
Ninja Dog
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 12:59
When the screen-shots are side by side you instantly notice how much better the lighting in the 360 games is.
Ninja Dog
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 13:00
When the screen-shots are side by side you instantly notice how much better the lighting in the 360 games is. I agree in many cases, however, for a few games I think the ps3' s lighting looks better.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Nov 29, 2006
RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 15:18
I think it' s good to remember that some/many of these games are X360 ports, so they' re not fully designed for the PS3.
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 16:03
ORIGINAL: Phoenix|Slash I think it' s good to remember that some/many of these games are X360 ports, so they' re not fully designed for the PS3. Yeah, and since 360 will remain the lead development platform for the foreseeable future it' ll be like this for a while.
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 16:26
Thx majik, uploading those pics must have been tedious. The most consitant difference I' m seeing is that the 360 has higher anti-aliasing (less jaggies) than the PS3 shots. AA is a post rendering effect, so it doesn' t really matter on which console the game was originally developed for. If they can add AA they will. This difference is no doubt a result of the 10mb of embeded eDRAM in the 360 GPU, essentially giving it " free" 4x AA.
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 04, 2007 19:38
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Thx majik, uploading those pics must have been tedious. It failed twice. Good thing i copy my posts before clicking ' OK' ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost The most consistent difference I' m seeing is that the 360 has higher anti-aliasing (less jaggies) than the PS3 shots. AA is a post rendering effect, so it doesn' t really matter on which console the game was originally developed for. If they can add AA they will. This difference is no doubt a result of the 10mb of embedded eDRAM in the 360 GPU, essentially giving it " free" 4x AA. It doesn' t help that in normal modes RSX can' t do FSAA & HDR. Obviously for games developed for PS3 from the ground up, or at least ports that are optimized properly developers will either utilize different kinds of HDR (like Ninja Theory' s NAO32) or find some other way of forcing AA. Workarounds are expensive though so for multi-platform games most developers won' t go to additional lengths just because there is aliasing. Out of these games i' ve only played VT3, CoD3 and Fight Night on both platforms, and i own the PS3 versions of VT3 and Fight Night (i own both versions of Fight Night), and what these screens don' t tell you is how the games run. CoD3 for example actually looks better than i had expected on PS3, but it runs like shit. Fight Night suffers from slowdown and has noticeably reduced background details. VT3 however is better on PS3, ...it just doesn' t have online... The problem PS3 owners (who don' t own a 360) have is that 360 is likely to remain the lead development platform for the vast majority of titles and porting the code won' t get much easier.
Ninja Dog
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RE: 720p Multi-platform Next-Gen Comparisons
May 05, 2007 03:59
I' d say other than the worse jaggies on the PS3 that the difference is pretty negligable - which isn' t exactly the best advert for spending the extra cash on a PS3. Biggest problem for the PS3 right now is 360 ports. People will simply ask ' why pay extra for the exact same product?' .
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