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4 games in March, which to get!
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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 19, 2006 17:42
Jack Ryan runs through the mall, looking over is shoulder, repeatedly glancing at his watch, and then a small note in his hand. Hiding behind a cornor, he scratches his hair, contemplating how to get out of the mess he is in. Sweats running from his forhead, trying to make sense of the note. 60? how can there only be 60 he thinks, before setting off to another run. The shiny red logo EB shines over the store, quickly he ducks in, making sure no one followed him, especially not Cathy. Trying to stand casually at one of the shelves, glancing over the inventory, then down at the note again, only 60$ he says to himself, looking up at the shelf at new stock. Cathy is going to kill me when i spend our last 60$ on a game, which should i pick? a) Ghost Recon: Advance War Figther b) Splinter Cell: Double Agent c) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion b) Gears of War (providing it makes the date which i doubt) This is the march dilema, i can only afford one game, which should i get? I want to play all 3 just as much as the others!
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 20 Jan 06 10:17:17 >
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RE: The March Dilema by Tom Clancy
Jan 19, 2006 21:13
Oblivion since it' ll steal your life and you won' t have finished it by the time you can afford another...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The March Dilema by Tom Clancy
Jan 20, 2006 00:43
I think i gave this the wrong subject, no one is reading it, lol
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RE: The March Dilema by Tom Clancy
Jan 20, 2006 01:19
Just edit it...
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 03:15
Definitely Oblivion (' cause once Cathy finds out Jack spent money on a video game, he' ll not be allowed to buy another one for a very, very long time)
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 03:22
Definitely Oblivion (' cause once Cathy finds out Jack spent money on a video game, he' ll not be allowed to buy another one for a very, very long time) Lol. thats right
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 03:23
yeah, definitely the wrong title! Now it makes much more sense! I would go with Elder Scrolls as well, it is really the only one that entices me, therefore it should entice everyone
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 03:30
I can understand you' re trouble making the decision though, because i really want them all. Ofcourse, i' ll be buying them all on their days of release, as well as Burnout 360 which should be out before then, but i don' t have to worry about Cathy being annoyed do i?! I will likely face some criticism from Lucy, but there' s a good possibility she won' t even notice since we don' t live together... I' m most looking forward to Ghost Recon though, especially for multiplayer over Xbox Live!!!
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 03:34
ooo ooo oo!! Burnout!!! I like that series.
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 03:41
Me too! The 360 version is basically a remastered Revenge, but with UBER graphics and extra stuff... It' s a must methinks...
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 08:55
wow, well as much as i truly enjoy the splinter cell series, the new trailer looks like it' s tailoring much more to the grand theft auto-esque action crowd, than the stealthy grim body-in-the-shadows crowd. and ghost recon was a little short, so that boils it down to burnout and elder scrolls. Son of a Biscuit!  why do they have to put out all the good games in one month and then make us wait for another four for anything passibly decent! (especially with us without a steady income) so it works like this, if you are willing to spend $60 on a game which has no real name for itself, however completely and totally L33t it may look, then shoot for gears of war. But for sheer length of gameage, you can' t go wrong with Elder Scrolls. (P.S. i feel for you with the whole Cathy situation, i' m in the same one, it' s like they have game-purchasing senses or something, maybe they can smell the goodness.)
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 16:23
Yeah my Cathy (code name, her real name is Jeanne) seem to think one game a month is too steep, and now we are buying a house (we are moving in the 1st of march) March isnt exactly the month to buy more games than one, lol. Maybe ill hide some money from february
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 20:01
Gears of War has no real name for itself?! No, i really think it does. Epic anyone?! Just because it is a new franchise for them doesn' t mean it' s not automatically a hit, cause it is. You don' t even need to play it to see that. Games still listed for March include; Scarface: The World is Yours, Saint' s Row, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Burnout Revenge, Far Cry Instincts Predator, Tom Clancy' s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Prey, Moto GP 2006, Major League Baseball 2K6... There are more listed as Q1 2006 but the ones above are listed for March. Fight Ninght Round 3 and Full Auto are listed for February. Although some of the games will no doubt slip, i can' t see them all missing March. It' s certainly going to be an interesting month!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 21 Jan 06 4:10:35 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 21:33
Ohh no, prey is on the list as well, but atleast Splinter Cell, and Gears of War arent. If thats the list ill be getting Oblivion, and if i can find the cash GR:Awf as wel
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 23:06
Actually, it does loom like both Splinter Cell: Double Agent and Gear of War will make March. Oblivion is expected on March 24th..
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 23:29
oblivion - march date was a rumour , plus it will definietly have some framerate issues.
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RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 20, 2006 23:32
How so? Tomb Raider: Legend is also supposed to be out in March, although that could just be UK.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 4 games in March, which to get!
Jan 21, 2006 01:51
The situation regarding 360 release dates is actually really complicated... EBgames say: The Darkness, Alan Wake, Demonik, Tomb Raider; Legend and Dead Rising will be available on 31st Janurary. The say: Full Auto, Fight Night Round 3 will be available on the 14th February, with College Hoops 2K6 on 21st February. And they say: Ghost Recon; Advanced Warfighter, Blazing Angels, The Outfit, Burnout Revenge, Battlefield 2, Far Cry, The Elder Scrolls, Timeshift and Rumble Roses xx will be available on various days throughout March. Splinter Cell: Double Agent is down for April, as is Top Spin 2, with Saint Row and Prey down for June and Gears of War down for July. So who knows what we' ll get before and in March. It' s worse for UK gamers since we only get games developed here before anyone else. We usually have to wait ages for stuff that' s released in the states...
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