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360 version of Darkness to have better textures
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 24, 2006 13:38
We were recently outnumbered by The Darkness' lead designer Jens Andersson, art director Jens Matthies, and technical director Magnus Högdahl for a brief sit-down about the game. Learn how the comic-based project came to fruition, what kind of Darkness powers will be in the game, and how the team got former Faith No More singer Mike Patton to sign on for voice work. . . . GI: What do you like about working on the PS3? How about the Xbox 360? Will there be any major differences between the two versions? Högdahl: So far the two versions look pretty much the same – quite unsurprisingly, since we use the same shader source code and content for both platforms. They will be identical gameplay-wise. There will only be very minor cosmetic differences, such as the PS3 will have better quality video for the in-game TVs and on the Xbox 360 we have a bit more room for textures in memory. http://www.gameinformer.com/Magazine/Insider/Articles/Article/200608/A06.0707.1042.51750.htm You need to be an insider to see it, but thats what it is. The ps3 can truly only have 256MB worth of textures at anytime it seems and the 512MB unified for the 360 of course seems to be an advantage. The ps3 will always be better at the 360 as far as videos go because #1 the cell processor is great when it comes to video #2 the blu ray disc has alot more space for higher quality video. But who is with me when I say I prefer better textures over better video anyday?
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 24, 2006 13:55
No surprises here, the 360 has the advantage of unified memory while the ps3 has more streaming power.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 24, 2006 19:51
the developers tread that line very carefully, giving both platforms positives. I wonder what they really think about developing for each..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 24, 2006 19:51
Majik strikes true again! I siad this would happen waaaaay back in January and i STILL keep telling people that the PS3' s memory bottleneck will mean that 360 games have sharper and more detailed textures.   RSX CAN render the WHOLE 512Mb if required, leaving CELL with only 512KB + 256KB x 7 = 2304KB (2.25Mb) ...  ... and while 2.25Mb isn' t an awful lot, the way CELL multi-tasks means it' s more useful than it would seem. Still, cases where that would happen are likely to be very rare. There IS another possible solution for Sony though... ...and we even know it could work as the method has been used before... ... As long as the read/write speeds are high enough it would allow for games that have 2 lots of textures on the disc. Lower resolution textures for people who haven' t bought a Flash card, and higher resolution textures for those that have. It' s not convenient but it' s technically possible.
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RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 24, 2006 21:32
Majik,how long will it take SONY tpo pay these dev to come up with some BS that ps3 gnna win anyway in terms of visuals?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 24, 2006 21:47
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Majik,how long will it take SONY tpo pay these dev to come up with some BS that ps3 gnna win anyway in terms of visuals? They' ve already started. Kojima said that Snakes new reflective camoflage would only be possible on PS3, yet didn' t give a reason for it. I find it hard to believe, especially since RSX is a generation behind Xeon. Sony/Evolution Studios made a big deal at GDC about the vehicles in MotorStorm affecting the track and how the mud would dry out as the day progresses. It' s cool stuf but it isn' t going to make the slightest bit of difference ingame. If you hit a small groove at 100+ MPH, you' re just going to go straight over it (especially with the tyres and suspension the vehicles in the game would have) and how long would the races be for mud going from wet to dry to be realistic?! As this generation progresses the visual differences will become greater, but you can still expect the best developers to get results from both machines that look superior to the other. I' ve long backed Xbox 360 in terms of theoretical/realistic visual output and that isn' t going to change.
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RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 00:29
But who is with me when I say I prefer better textures over better video anyday? Depends on what game you' re talking about and how much better the video or textures actually are on the other platform.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 00:34
in-game TVs Like TV' s in peoples apartments?! They wouldn' t feature extensively or be very important at all would they?!
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RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 00:38
In-game advertising..   What does that mean anyway???? In-game advertising????
Mass X
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RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 03:50
The in-game TVs play actual movies that you can sit back and watch in the midst of the game itself. Nosforatu (?) was in a screenshot I saw. I wonder what they really think about developing for each.. In the recent Game Informer (is this a good magazine for fair info btw?) they polled some developers and heres the results: Which System are you more excited to develop for? Xbox 360- 37% PS3- 16% Wii- 32% PC- 5% DS- 5% PSP- 5% As much as I prefer the 360 Im still surprised by this.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 24 Jul 06 19:55:20 >
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RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 04:54
No surprises here - 360 is much more developer friendly than PS3. Wii however , while cheaper to develop for, requires developers to be creative and break old standards - for some , this could be even harder than making games for PS3.And let' s not forget that writing code for Wiimote is not that easy , since it' s a pretty new device to the industry. PC 5%? that' s strange (but maybe that' s cause every PC is different and it' s hard to forsee how your game will look in peoples homes) DS 5%? what kind of people said something like that? it' s been said it' s easier to develop for than SNES and GBA and still keeps the proces low :) PSP - I have no idea how hard it is to make a psp game , does anyone have any info on this? About PS3Vs 360 and Textures Vs Video - PS3 can have videos played as textures - or they can do something like GCN verison of Resident Evil 1 - that game was so awesome and it looked amazing (it had a fantastic 3D modeled characters walking on rendered backgrounds , but those backgrounds were movies instead of pictures).
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 05:07
Im just surprised by the fact that developers as a whole came out with a positive from the 360. Seems everytime 3rd party developers are polled they are lickin some sony arse clean. Then again Im curious as to which devs these are. Are the western based or some right out of Japan? Anyways as for the Darkness the whole TV thing is mainly atmospheric. To put more life into the world. And while on the subject of The Darkness reading about it and looking at the screens this game look sso fucked up. In one screen while in first person the dude gots a gun in his mouth and his brains flying out the back. Whether this is a cutscene that stays in the first perosn veiw or somthing you can do at will its nonetheless fucked up. Looks very nice tho and I dont mind a fucked up situation form time to time :) Wonder how much of Butcher Bay they gonna put in this.
Chee Saw
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RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 10:18
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ No surprises here - 360 is much more developer friendly than PS3. Wii however , while cheaper to develop for, requires developers to be creative and break old standards - for some , this could be even harder than making games for PS3.And let' s not forget that writing code for Wiimote is not that easy , since it' s a pretty new device to the industry. PC 5%? that' s strange (but maybe that' s cause every PC is different and it' s hard to forsee how your game will look in peoples homes) DS 5%? what kind of people said something like that? it' s been said it' s easier to develop for than SNES and GBA and still keeps the proces low :) PSP - I have no idea how hard it is to make a psp game , does anyone have any info on this? ... You have to remember that the poll was how " excited" developers were about each system, not how easy it is to develop for each system. Otherwise, PCs would rule the day. As far as the 360 having better textures than the PS3, that' s NOT good, considering a lot of people were complaining about the low res textures in some 360 games! Then again, it' s all good considering that both systems will have their strengths and weaknesses.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 25, 2006 18:19
You have to remember that the poll was how " excited" developers were about each system, not how easy it is to develop for each system. Otherwise, PCs would rule the day. I think that developers are the most excited about the most powerful and easy to program system.PC isn' t really a good choice, cause PC games sell much worse. IF they are excited about gaming on those systems and so many chose 360 then it truly is surprising :)
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 26, 2006 05:16
Interesting. I' d definately buy memory for my ps3 if it meant nicer textures. It' s a possibility, but I don' t think Sony would go for it. It' d mean admiting that their beloved PS3 has faults.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 version of Darkness to have better textures
Jul 26, 2006 05:35
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Interesting. I' d definately buy memory for my ps3 if it meant nicer textures. It' s a possibility, but I don' t think Sony would go for it. It' d mean admiting that their beloved PS3 has faults. Actually i think Ken would jump at the chance as it would allow him (in his tiny mind) to show that the system is " upgradable" like a PC. Bear in mind that the flash memory expansion is simply speculation on my part and hasn' t even been discussed that we know of. But N64 made use of a similar method and it' s technically feasable on PS3 as i understand the hardware. The method has limitations and would require 2 lots of textures on one disc so as to avoid the N64 situation where you REQUIRED the expansion pak to play certain games. They' d be able to make use of Blu-Ray practically too!
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