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360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 15:53
Well First off i wnet and got table tennis and in the middile of the game the 360 goes crazy i get 3 red lights of death the power supply is cool i have it under the a/c but stiil no in the middile of games the 360 crashis please help me with this problem i mean hell whats the deal i have an warranty with game stop and they said i could go and swap one for another one but i have to pay 30 buck for an new warrenty So what should i do thsi are were me and the brother or at ethier pay the 30 for another 360 or trade this one in for some store credit for the Ps3 this thing has been out for an year i thought they fixed this prob But anyway this is an link i have found about this prob which M$ dont really tell you shit but that its an hardware failure no Really i Dident know that one So what do you guys think CAUSE This behavior occurs when the Xbox 360 console experiences a hardware failure.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 16:31
buying a new warranty? Thats illegal! Sounds V.fishy to me... Just seems a bit too much of a coincidence there is all this stuff about you " not having" a 360 and then going to play Quez to proove it and also (I have noticed) that you are the main person who brings up all the talk about hardware (& xbox live) bugs and failures then you post this... Showing us a link to an issue some people experienced doesnt convince me that you have one, or a 360 still for that matter! post us up a pic of your red lights? And regardless of mention about PS3 deposit etc.. MS would replace a dead 360 FOC.. When was it you were due to play Quez again? So less of the " I thought they fixed these problems.." , " I' ll use it as a deposit for my PS3" and more of the " MS WIll swap this out for free..." giving you less excuse to bash the console every 5 minutes! I know of a couple 360' s that run in store windows (full of glass) early machines too, which get the full attention of the suns rays, the temp is always 45c+ on a sunny day and they are running demos of PGR3 etc 24 hrs a day... and have never missed a beat.. " Running it under AC" just makes it sound like you knew it would fail.... Sorry to be so doubting, it just seems too convienient to me!! Of course I' ll eat my balaclava and apologise profusely if having to " buy" a warranty etc..etc.. turns out to be true... Just seems a cheap shot to me!!
< Message edited by musashi -- 14 Jul 06 8:37:58 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 18:09
For soe reason I don' t believe it one bit iv' e had mins and it' s never clocked out yet you get yours further down the line and it just happens to croak......it' s not impossible but just sounds like you' ve read it on a site or something.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 18:51
Mikay, you can' t buy a new warranty. That' s impossible. If you have 3 red lights then try unplugging all cables from the unit, reinserting them, and booting the system back up again. Also try removing the hard drive and reboot the system to check and see if that is the problem. What we could do with knowing is whether any of them are flashing or whether they are all flashing (the 3 that are red). For some reason I don' t believe it one bit iv' e had mins and it' s never clocked out yet you get yours further down the line and it just happens to croak......it' s not impossible but just sounds like you' ve read it on a site or something. I agree. Sounds like his kind of bullshit!
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 19:04
I think for me it was just the fact that rather than asking for help - period. Maj is a top guy offering you advice. I wonder what quez thinks!
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 19:52
This is the same problem I had with my first Xbox360. Take a note of the serial number at the bottom of the Xbox. If you call the Microsoft support line they will send out a box to you to return your Xbox in. Once they receive it they fix it or send you a new Xbox. I called on the Monday and had my new Xbox360 by Friday. Well impressed by Microsoft on that one. My original Xbox was skipping just before the Warranty ran out and Microsoft had a new one in my hands the next day!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 19:54
and also (I have noticed) that you are the main person who brings up all the talk about hardware (& xbox live) bugs and failures then you post this. No, that would be me :) I don' t know if he' s lying but these failures...well, it' s not unheard of.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 20:04
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ and also (I have noticed) that you are the main person who brings up all the talk about hardware (& xbox live) bugs and failures then you post this. No, that would be me :) I don' t know if he' s lying but these failures...well, it' s not unheard of. Not unheard of for launch units and units that have been left on for 20+ hours like those that IGN use to review games. The guy could be genuine but he talks so much rubbish that it' s like he' s crying wolf. Coming here and making a public thread about having a problem with a console he constantly slates is suspicious, I don' t like the guy but hey, if i can help then i will.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 20:07
I' m on my third 360 so... I sorta believe him... But I just called up the customer support and they replaced it free, they were faulty 360' s, but this one is like PERFECT!! Cut Mikay some slack, although, I can see where you are all coming from, match up with Quez and his 360 chokes..      hmmmmm....
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 20:13
Tiz, you up from more GRAW action today?
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 20:15
Of course... but what happened to CoDFish 2 yesterday?! It' ll have to be at midnight though because I finish bloody work at 8pm!!!! Then I am going to see that faggot that wears his pants over his trousers..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 20:27
Superman? Why? I' ve just been to get Prey. I' m gonna go make a start i think, but it' s so bloody bright here and my alluminium (? - they' re some kind of metal) blinds are really bad at keeping the light out. I may just go and sit outside and drink beer with everybody else...
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 20:32
Superman... in the IMAX!!!!!!!!!! He' ll be like right there in front of me!!!!! Wow! I' d love to sit outside, look at the clouds and drink Sprite with everyone else.. (I only drink on people' s birthdays..  ) Tell me what Prey is like... Then when I get some money (Yes!) i' ll look into buying it. ATM the 360 really does feel like a shooters console.. But they' re ALL GOOD!! Mikay, just tranquilise your 360...
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 22:57
Really You guys i not liing nor am i just trying to bash the 360 it really is messing up you guys comeoff way to hard hell i not making that crap up . the lights do indeed come on. I mean what the Hell and the warenty is called prp gamestop replacement plan. Whay would i lie. i guess im the only one with this prob i ask for help and you guys talk shit. If its like that then cool . But i do understand the way it sounds when i say its broke. knowing i have a match whit quez i can dig that. but i dam that man this 360 did break one me i have done what you said makjick and still during the game it seems to mess up . hell i know not to ask for help here again Anyhelp would be nice
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: 360 Help
Jul 14, 2006 23:47
Not unheard of for launch units and units that have been left on for 20+ hours like those that IGN use to review games. Not only launch units - and 20+ hours wouldn' t make much difference since it' s not prooved that it' s some sort of heat problem. Anyway if gaming system costs 399 and can break cause you play 20h... it sucks don' t you think? Mikayd2 - if you have warranty, use it.If you don' t, you can bitch about MS all you like - you' ve earned it :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 15, 2006 00:02
Tell me what Prey is like... Then when I get some money (Yes!) i' ll look into buying it. Prey is awesome. The demo had slight framerate issues but the retail game doesn' t, it' s perfect. I guess the demo had framerate issue because it was running from the HDD. Anyhoo, i HATED Quake 4 on both PC and 360 and i loved Doom 3 but only on PC. Prey is much better than them both. The gravity changing is f**ked up (in a good way) and the portals are gorgeous. Nice textures (especially the metal, of which there is loads) and great lighting, great animation and character physics. The weapons are strangely cool and not all of them are organic. If you want another cool single player game with an awesome (yes i' m taking my previous statement back) multi-player mode (if only 8 players?) then get it. Mikay, i told Quez (his PC has gone to be fixed and he won' t be posting for a while) about your 360 and he say' s you' re just scared he' ll beat you!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: 360 Help
Jul 15, 2006 00:10
I take it ]GaNgStA[ won' t play a game that doesn' t have a name resembling Tatami-san, Songoku-san, Shimetzazuka-kun or Genkidenairenji-bozu written in the credits.. I can imagine whenever ]GaNgStA[ sees a game being produced and directed by a Michael III Michael J. Johnston, he holds up his fingers in a cross sign and prays the rosary... Link? Gladly...
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: 360 Help
Jul 15, 2006 00:20
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 Help
Jul 15, 2006 01:34
Nice dude, very nice!   Oh hey Mikay, if you' re 360 is broken as you claim then how come you were just playing Geometry Wars?!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: 360 Help
Jul 15, 2006 01:35
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