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2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 04:26
I dont need to list everything coming out in 2007 as I am sure you allready know. It' s simply going to rock [that is, if everything slated for 07 hits] Maybe one of the best gaming years of the 2000' s. 2006 has been kind of boring, really looking forward to next year.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 21 Oct 06 20:28:01 >
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 04:34
Yeah, it seems like 2006 was more or less sparsely populated with good games. 2007 will rock...hard.
Terry Bogard
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 04:45
2007 is going to be off to an AWESOME start thanks to Konami' s January releases, so I can' t wait to see all that gets released next year!!
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 04:46
Well, lets just make this a 07 wishlist Halo 3 Halo Wars Assassins Creed Bioshock Mass Effect Too Human Peter Jacksons Halo Game UT 2007 Crysis (I' ll edit with more when I get to my cousin' s house)
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 05:11
man u really have to get away from halo and start playing some good FPS. i would love to hear anything oficial about StarCraft 2, ive beeing hearing some rumors but god pleaseee have mercy
< Message edited by fernandino -- 21 Oct 06 21:23:57 >
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 05:27
 You sure right!
Vx Chemical
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 05:31
i would love to hear anything oficial about StarCraft 2, ive beeing hearing some rumors but god pleaseee have mercy When its a Blizzard game, they announce it and you wait 3 years for it! Dont expect SC2 soon, i hope they are making it, but it wont be done until 2008 at the earliest!
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 06:07
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical i would love to hear anything oficial about StarCraft 2, ive beeing hearing some rumors but god pleaseee have mercy When its a Blizzard game, they announce it and you wait 3 years for it! Dont expect SC2 soon, i hope they are making it, but it wont be done until 2008 at the earliest! yeah, i know, i just whant them to make it oficcial, then i will feel free...
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 06:52
When its a Blizzard game, they announce it and you wait 3 years for it! Dont expect SC2 soon, i hope they are making it, but it wont be done until 2008 at the earliest! You' d love to think that they' re using all of that time like it' s the day before finals, but it always seems like they procrastinate with their games. It seems like they announce a title, and then another one is announced after it, and there' s no news on the original one for months and months on end.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 07:32
Blizzard is a master at their artform, which is games. They take long because their games are generally timeless classics. Don' t doubt the Blizz :)
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 21 Oct 06 23:32:11 >
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 07:51
fernandino, you are a fucking fucktard. I normally dont flame, but the state of these forums is becoming pathetic. Tell me then, oh wise cock licker, what is a better console shooter?
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 15:19
Halo really is a good console shooter, I honestly only resent it because it brought so many people into gaming who when asked " So what is the best game you have played?" is, they always say Halo. Halo is not the best game, it is good (possibly best Console FPS), but in no way is it a GREAT game.
Agent Ghost
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 15:36
Halo was a great game but lets not foprget how old it is.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 17:40
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx fernandino, you are a fucking fucktard. I normally dont flame, but the state of these forums is becoming pathetic. Tell me then, oh wise cock licker, what is a better console shooter? Let me answer ur question whit nother, which its the best RTS for consoles???, the short answer its, NOBODY GIVES A FUCK because RTS as FPS are for fuckink PC´s, for fucks sakes being the n.1 console FPS its irrelevant when PC shooters like Half Life, Doom 3, UT and such are 3 to 4 times better, both online and off, so please for fucks sake, HELP YOURSELF AND QUIT PLAYIN FPS ON CONSOLES, OR AT LEAST PLAY ONE WHIT KEYBOARD, MOUSE AND MODS SUPPORT
< Message edited by fernandino -- 22 Oct 06 9:41:42 >
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 17:54
Uh...Doom 3 and UT had nothing on Halo. Also, Halo was a Console Shooter it allowed for FPS' to realize their potential on Consoles. Trust me, PC cannot claim everything as its own, RTS is PC I will agree however. FPS, nope Wii and 360 are making sure that is a thing of the past.
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 18:36
in no way a great game Uh I have to disagree with that, along with millions of other gamers and just about all of the gaming media.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 19:59
Halo is a great game, you may not like it but you can´t argue that it is great. BTW I always heard that FPS are a lot better in PCs because of keyboard and mouse but i played many FPSs in both PC and console and i always liked the console controls best....i always enjoyed more console pads than keyboard and mouse.
360 Fanatic Kid
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 21:43
cant wait for 2007 lets the proper games begin
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 22, 2006 23:02
Mouse and keyboard is great for precision, but the keyboard has some drawbacks, especially when you' re playing fast paced games with lots of buttons.(a.k.a. FPS) Four of your fingers need to constantly be on WASD or Up Down Left Right which leaves your other two fingers fairly inacessable. I' ve played a fair amount of PC shooters, and while aiming is definately more accurate, I feel like my reaction time is slower with everything else. Console shooters have their disadvantages now, but it' s very possible that will release mouse/keyboard support for their console. Not to mention the Wii' s controller, which is still as-of-now, a very " weird" way to game. Halo is a great game, you may not like it but you can´t argue that it is great.
Actually, I' m not sure the original Halo would do as well now as it did when the console launched. Now, the stupid " no duh the graphics would suck" comments aside, I think one of the main reasons that Halo:CE was such a big hit on the Xbox is because there wasn' t anything else that really stood out. Halo 2, on the other hand, I think is a great game, they really stepped it up a notch with that one. So I guess I have to be thankful it sold as well as it did.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 22 Oct 06 15:05:59 >
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RE: 2007 is going to rock
Oct 23, 2006 00:56
Hmmm... Lost odyssey,blue dragon,halo3,mgs4,crysis and mass effect?? i missed a lot of games,from ps3/wii and pc plz feel me in which i forgot :P
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