I never picked up SupCom, I do have Sins of a Solar Empire.
SSE is ok, it' s not as good as I would have liked. The game shipped completely broken, I had to wait for patches just to be able to run the game without crashing, then theres all kinds of gameplay issues. Most of them have been fixed, I' m still waiting for the next big patch (1.1) before I really get into the game.
The biggest complaint I have is that most of the pictures of ingame screenshots do not represent how the game as it plays or looks.
You see a lot of screenshots that look like this:
Most of the time the game plays like this:
At any time you can zoom in to the action but it' s nearly imossible control a fleet in this view, so you find yourself zooming out most of the time.
That' s not to say it' s a bad game though. I had a few great moments. I usually don' t play RTS games online but I gave it a few go' s. In one game I was getting my ass handed to me by a few other guys. They didn' t even need to attack me directly, I suck enough that they simply over shadowed me economically. Anyways, there are pirates in the game which you can use to put bounties on other players. Sort of a way to anonymously attack another player without risking your fleet.
I was in a match with four other guys, I was the weakest.
I managed to save some loot and I put a sizable bounty on the 2nd top player who was at war with the top player. Then I immediately put the rest of my cash towards a bounty for the strongest player. 1st and 2nd place thought it was eachother who placed the bounties since they were at war anyways. The pirates (who are overpowered early in the game) will attack whoever has the highest bounty. So these two poor ***s ruined themselves trying to add a higher bounty on the other guy out of spite and fear of the pirates. Not only did they waste a fortune on trying to raise over their own bounty, they both ended up getting raped by pirates after they were both broke. The Pirates will essentially do damage equal to the bounty placed on them. PWNED!
It was hilarious.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 30 May 08 19:14:26 >