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$130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 17, 2007 14:52
Got this from 1up.com Sure, this is all just esimates, but still... $130! Sure there is the normal game, $60, then the Limited Edition, $70, but now the magic number of $130 is being thrown around for the Ubber-Awesome pack. Yeah, there is no way I can afford that or beg and plee with my parents to purchase me a game that is $130, and on top of that, we don' t have an HD screen yet so... I' m gonna have to pass for this... but who' s going to buy the $130 pack?!?
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 17, 2007 16:23
Collectors would do it! I think i might opt for the standard collectors edition and not go legendary. paying that kind of moeny for a game is too much!
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RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 17, 2007 18:57
Even though it is a bit " pricy" i intend to buy it 
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 17, 2007 22:41
I cant see it being $130, but i can see it around $100
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 17, 2007 22:54
Never mind that last statement http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?cid=9643 Microsoft put out a press release this morning, and finally revealed the awesome new packaging for the Legendary Edition of Halo 3, along with the red-faced admission that it’s going to be $30 more expensive than the estimated retail price used by retailers for pre-orders. Much as they telegraphed the fact that this price and content could be subject to change, it’s fair to say that these things usually don’t change. So apologies for that, but I think hardcore collectors (at whom the Legendary Edition is squarely aimed) will be pleased with the end result. The thing is truly lovely in real life, from the finish of the helmet itself, to the operation of the box and its sleeve. It reeks of quality and attention to detail (as it should at that price) and for fans, it’s probably worth every penny. I dunno, it just says 30 more than regular price, so i guess it could be anywhere from $110-$130. EDIT: i just noticed that 1up has Halo 3' s release date set as 9/15
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 17 Mar 07 15:06:46 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 17, 2007 23:49
Not worth it!
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 00:15
I have problems paying $60 for something that costs 98 cents to make in the first place. Why would I pay more than double the original price of the game for some artwork, a helmet, and maybe a 45 minute making of DVD. And oh... if it does cost 130, it' s realistically going to cost 140 for me. Big purchases screw you with income tax.[:' (]
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 00:27
I would laugh at the people who claim the ps3 is too expensive and then buy this. Ha.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 03:07
In that same weekly update, Frankie mentions that Bungie employees themselves are having to pre-order it and hope they get one. Could just be hype, but if it is actually that scarce you could end up seeing them on eBay for somewhat more than $130.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 07:49
I would laugh at the people who claim the ps3 is too expensive and then buy this. Ha. Its not really that bad for someone who is a big fan of it and is willing to pay that much for it. Besides that, a ps3 is $600, and a 360 and the legendary Halo 3 is $530 which is enough of a reason to buy a 360 in the beginning.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 07:58
Its not really that bad for someone who is a big fan of it and is willing to pay that much for it. Besides that, a ps3 is $600, and a 360 and the legendary Halo 3 is $530 which is enough of a reason to buy a 360 in the beginning. Unless you dont enjoy Halo. Halo is over rated, but dont worry my dear friends the its not the most hyped game ever. That award goes to Half Life.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 17 Mar 07 23:58:39 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 08:39
Halo is over rated, but dont worry my dear friends the its not the most hyped game ever. That award goes to Half Life. agreed. I hated half life, but im gonna buy the half life box set that comes with HLep1 and 2, team fortress 2, and portal just so i can play team fortress and maybe portal
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 08:45
Team fortress 2 and portal looking good. But not 60euro good for what essinitally are extras.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 18 Mar 07 0:46:49 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 09:00
I just think team fortress looked fun for online play, and portal looked like it could keep me entertained for somewhere between an hour and a week
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RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 09:02
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RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 09:06
I' ll probably find some way to get myself stuck in an everlasting hole and never get out
Agent Ghost
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RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 13:43
I want that big set with HL 1&2 (never played them) and TF2 with Portal. Both the new Team Fortress and Portal look very good. As for Halo 3 I' ll probably buy the cheapest version, I don' t want all that extra junk they pack with them. I' d rather spend the extra money on another game or even a movie.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 18 Mar 07 5:45:20 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 14:13
Halo is over rated, but dont worry my dear friends the its not the most hyped game ever. That award goes to Half Life. Half-Life 1 or HL2? There is a big difference between the two. Half-Life one came out at a time when FPS was stagnant, and gave birth to a lot of great things in the FPS genre. Not only was the single player great, the multiplayer deathmatch, TFC, and CS quickly overtook all other online FPS games. It deserved the reviews it got because it did a lot of things nobody had managed to do before. Half-life 2 got barely any hype compared to Halo. I never saw news stories about HL2, but I saw a lot about Halo 2.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 15:19
I think half life 2 is a great game, the balance of weapons and the gameplay is great, it is missing some in the story department though! ohh and the scripted scenes are much better than anything else iv seen!
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: $130 for Halo 3 !?!
Mar 18, 2007 20:16
Don' t be suprized if you' ll end up loving the HL2 pack more than any other 360 FPS out there (including Halo 3).
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