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11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
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11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 06, 2006 10:50
Tim Strickland
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- Joined: May 19, 2006
RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 06, 2006 10:58
Hopefully a market overflood doesn' t occur. While up-front numbers would be fantastic for early adopters, demand might go down. But, then again, that is a stupid argument, because it means... I can get a Wii baby! WOOOHOOO
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 06, 2006 11:13
From what I' ve read and seen of the Wii, I think it has the potential to go a very long way toward becoming, if nothing else, the number 2 system on the market. Good price-point... Graphics that easily rival the PS2/XBOX... New interface/gameplay style... Solid franchises... More game developers jumping onboard... That' s enough...you get my point. A few years back, I would have told you that Nintendo was on their way out. Now, I will say that I' m impressed and excited to get a chance to experience their new (Wii) system. I hope they do have 11 million units ready...that will make it that much easier to get one at launch (or just after).
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 6 Oct 06 3:14:14 >
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 06, 2006 11:36
And it definitely has THE best line-up for launch titles  Easily beats PS3' s current list anyway... I' m hoping they get the online system up and running; hope they have ' Nintendo points' system like MS for purchasing the retro games
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 06, 2006 11:53
They do have a nintendo points system. The online gaming will be up next year however, nice thing though is that Virtual Console will be available at launch!
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 07, 2006 11:31
I don' t care how many consoles they say they' re going to have, I' m still not taking any chances, I' ll get mine at 12:01am launch day, & locking myself into my room for days.
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 07, 2006 16:20
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated I don' t care how many consoles they say they' re going to have, I' m still not taking any chances, I' ll get mine at 12:01am launch day, & locking myself into my room for days. Bet you' ll be out 4 hours after you' ve bought it!
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 08, 2006 00:33
and exhausted!:P:P
Evil Man
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 08, 2006 00:41
No HDTV support, no buy. I can' t believe these lazy pieces of shit, they re-release gamecube for $250, and couldnt even add HDTV support.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 7 Oct 06 16:43:18 >
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 08, 2006 01:00
No HDTV support, no buy. I can' t believe these lazy pieces of shit, they re-release gamecube for $250, and couldnt even add HDTV support. LOL. No Evil Man, they bought an XBOX and added motion sensors and re-released it for $250. I would love to be optimistic about the Wii' s chances, as I myself plan to get one. But I dont think they can sell 11 million by the end of the year with all the hype around the PS3 and 360' s second-gen games (GoW, Assasins Creed, Mass Effect etc...).
Chee Saw
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 11, 2006 11:01
For your average consumer the " smart" choice, this Christmas, would be the 360. Think about it. The price point for the core system is only $50 more than the Wii, and the library of games is much larger. Now, I know I' ll be getting a Wii, but that' s because I already have a 360. With that, and the cost of the HD-DVD add on, plus GOW, RS:Vegas, etc, etc. I' m gonna be broke by the end of the year!! It' ll be interesting to see how this all pans out, though.
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 11, 2006 11:32
Graphical superiority has never historically been a a factor in determining the winner of a console generation. DS, Gameboy, ps1, ps2 SNES etc all were not powerhouses compared to their respective competition, and yet enjoyed being the ' winner' of there generation. Now the link is only speculation, but clearly could be possible that Nintendo have UP TO 11 million, though i would expect 6 million a more realistic total by years end. IF Nintendos momentum translate into a sellout of those 6 million consoles developers are going to have to sit up and take notice, this and the cheaper development costs plus being based on GC Hardware developers can make games quickly and efficiently - meaning more games with shorter time frames. IF Wii does this developers will see this and a run away success of DS as sign to start developing more & more Wii games. More games means more consoles sold and it seems that production of Wiis will not be an issue. It is concievable that Wii due to high production levels and Hype could quickly over the 360 and put considerable distance between it and the ps3 which means more developers become interested and - well you get the picture. This is just theoretical but it seems that everything seems to be falling inplace for Nintendo, momentum still in there favour and the ability to meet demand and possible exceed will further inprove its chances for success. The console with the most titles usually ends up the winner and everything Nintendo has done with the Wii has set it up to achieve this goal.
Chee Saw
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 11, 2006 11:44
So, Terrak; you predicting Nintendo #1, 360 #2, and PS3 #3 then? Or would you put the PS3 above the Xbox?
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 11, 2006 12:01
I' m more like hoping that its Wii #1, 360 #2 and ps3 #3 I' ve got nothing against 360, my Brother in law has one, so that and the fact i won' t have enough time to play 2 consoles and my PC means i can only get one console. I think 360 was important in seriously affecting sonys plans for ps3. But is that so hard for you to believe, i am self confessed fan of Nintendo after all
Agent Ghost
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 11, 2006 12:27
I doubt Nintendo is too conserned about their position in the market. Well Of course they are but not nearly as much as the other two. For the simple reason that they are making a profit day one. I read somewhere that the profit margins for each Wii console is something like 12$ (and thats right off the bat, these things will only get cheaper to make). It may not sound like much but considering that the other two are losing well over 100$ on each unit. This puts Nintendo in a very good position from a buisness perspective.
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 12, 2006 02:46
Bet you' ll be out 4 hours after you' ve bought it! Yeah, I got tired of experiementing with my Wii by myself, so I came out of the closet. I' m expecting Sony to get way more flak at and a few months after launch than they have yet, that' s including their ridiculous price problem. I mean, when you compare 1,000,000 supposed Wii' s, to the 25,000 (i think) PS3' s, Plus, the 360 that has been in stock for months, It looks like it' s gonna take ages for PS3 to catch up.
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 12, 2006 03:45
I' m all a bit underwhelmed by the Wii (except Twilight Princess of course, and Brawl).. I don' t know, I just feel paranoid about Nintendo trying to obtain my attention and well... Still can' t wait until it comes out though, I want to see if it will hold my attention for longer than I thought (except TP, because that' s not fair what they did with that game).
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RE: 11 Million Wii' s By the end of the Calender year?!?!
Oct 13, 2006 03:10
It' s gonna take a month or so before their buckets of AAA titles hit, it' s one of the reasons I' m considering throwing mine up on Ebay.
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