What do you guys think of this game Idea?

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What do you guys think of this game Idea? - Oct 06, 2006 01:14
I was living in the Cayman Islands for like 6 years, & when I first moved there I' d take the bus to work. The buses there are actually little mini vans that they cram with passengers & usaully has some insane driver. Once the driver actually cut through a cowpatch to make time. So I was thinking about doing a game in the Sega crazy series Called Crazy Mini-Bus based on a carribean island. Imagine rendereing a whole carribean island on a next console(which would be easier than Hawaii since most are alot smaller). You pick a driver complete with accent & everything(lawd a mercy), and a minni bus. you' d pick up people from cruise ships but the ships are only at port for a certain amount of time, so you have to get them to various island attractions & then pick them back up & take them back to the ships before it leaves. The action gets more crazy when you pick up rasta guys that smokes weed in the bus & make your controls a bit more tricky. Meanwhile your taking shortcuts thru meadows & stuff dodging chicken, cows & other animals A locals going about their daily business. There more ideas I had about the game but I guess this pot is too long already,LOL.

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RE: What do you guys think of this game Idea? - Oct 06, 2006 03:19
um, might work for an acrade thingy, but, uh.... to an extent this sounds like that one Taxi Cab game that was out there once....
...Random Madness, Forward...

Tim Strickland
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RE: What do you guys think of this game Idea? - Oct 06, 2006 04:12
Well, he DID say make it a " game in the Sega crazy series called Crazy Mini-Bus" .....

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RE: What do you guys think of this game Idea? - Oct 06, 2006 05:18
sorry i just cant see riding around in a mini bus dodging cows.