10 reasons why you LIKE Sony

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10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:05
There' s been lots of anti-Sony comments here on Kikizo, some have been justified and some have been really stupid.
Lots of members have disagreed with each other and as a result I fear this has started different factions (Sony vs The rest) within this forum that threatens this forums multitude.

So, instead of mentioning all the bad stuff about Sony I though we could mention our top ten reasons as to why we like Sony .

Here are mine (in no particular order):
...have great focus on 3rd party companies.
...pushes the technological standard forward more than other companies.
...has great 1st party titles.
...makes good products (my favs are PS1 and PSP).
...made gaming mainstream.
...products are cool. I don' t know why, design perhaps?
...included the rumble in their dual shocks instead of having an add-on (N64/DC).
...were first with dual analog setup, the L/R 3 buttons and the d-pad friendly parallell analog stick setup.
...combines all our entertainment (movies, music, games) in single products.
...sells products with lots of value.

Just ask if you' d like me to motivate any of my reasons as to why I like Sony.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jun 06 11:07:16 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:08
I cant quite make up 10.

Now they made ICO and SotC, i played neither, but they look great!

They have Jak and Daxter 1 on PS2


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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:21
C' mon are you even trying? I can come up with ten more:

Sony keeps supporting their consoles for a long time.
Sony secures innovative 3rd party titles .
Sony creates their own innovative games such as the EyeToy games.
Sony puts focus on every genre (MS-action, Nintendo-adventure/pussel)
Sony has great support in Japan (which has meant lots of great japanese titles for Playstation owners)
Sony have the " Platinum" idea where best selling games gets a price cut.
Sony creates nice slim versions of their consoles which is... nice.
Sony makes sure their customers don' t miss any kind of experience (they steal ideas, which is not nice but it' s good for us gamers ).
Sony doesn' t charge extra for their online services (at least for the PS2, looks like it' ll be the same with online multiplayer on the PS3)
Sony were the first to make a product backwards compatible, something they' ve continued with more recent products (PSP-PS1 emulator).
Sony has Virtua Fighter 4 for the PS2 and Virtua Fighter 5 for the PS3.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jun 06 11:23:07 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:25
Huge 3rd party support is their only saving grace in my book as far as consoles go. Much of what you mentioned ginjirou like; great 1st party titles, combining all our entertainment (movies, music, games) into single products, selling products with lots of value etc can also be said of Microsoft, and Nintendo' s 1st party game crush all.


d-pad friendly parallell analog stick setup.

...isn' t what i would call a reason for liking Sony. It' s horrible. In fact, since most PS2 games use the analog sticks, it' s really very stupid as the elevated position of the left stick found in Nintendo and Microsoft' s controllers is far more comfortable.

The fact that they are going to release an official PSone emulator for PSP though is something i am REALLY looking forward to. I just hope they don' t mess it up and have a substantial amount of titles available when they release it.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:27
MS has as much variety as Sony, sony might have more action games, but sony has more rpg games and platformers!

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:38

Much of what you mentioned ginjirou like; great 1st party titles, combining all our entertainment (movies, music, games) into single products, selling products with lots of value etc can also be said of Microsoft, and Nintendo' s 1st party game crush all.

Oh dear God now you' re at it again. This isn' t about what Sony does better than the other companies. It' s about the good stuff they simply do. If they do it better or worse than MS or Nintendo is simply a matter of taste. I wanted to make this list so that Sony gets at least some recognition here.

Nintendo' s 1st party game crush all.

That part in particular is about taste. I agree however but that doesn' t mean Sony doesn' t make good titles which means that there' s no reason to dislike them for that.

...isn' t what i would call a reason for liking Sony. It' s horrible. In fact, since most PS2 games use the analog sticks, it' s really very stupid as the elevated position of the left stick found in Nintendo and Microsoft' s controllers is far more comfortable.

Once again, matter of taste. I like the setup, in fact I love it. I can' t wait to get my hands on Nintendo' s classic controller for the Wii.

Even though you prefer the other companies you still can' t deny the quality of some of the things Sony has done. Which is what I' m getting at. No matter how much you hate Sony and no matter how many bad decisions they' ve made, there is always lots of good stuff to say about them.
But in this forum we never hear such comments.
And just as Sony fanboys are ignorant and refuse to accept that Sony isn' t perfect, lots of you guys seem as ignorant when you refuse to admit that Sony has done lots of good stuff that makes them a good company. I prefer Sega and Nintendo but I still respect and like Sony for what they' ve done.
Hype isn' t the only thing that made Sony successful, that' s not possible. They actually deserve some of their success.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jun 06 11:47:00 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:52
They did that cracking advert for the Bravia...

That' s it.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 19:57

I find it easy to slate Sony, it' s not very fair as they HAVE brought videogames to the mainstream (whether that' s a good thing or not is debatable) and because of that the industry has grown ten fold allowing for studios to be set up and the development of games that otherwise may never have been.

I think my qualms with Sony are their blatant dishonesty and the mistakes they have been constantly making with PS3, it' s announcement and development. That' s partially down to Microsoft who virtually forced Sony' s hand when they just weren' t ready, and due to the nature of the business now (because of Sony themselves) everything was very public and their mistakes have been well publicised, even over-publicised.


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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 20:17
I' m still waiting for a top ten list, or at least, a top five list.
You' ve only said one good thing about them so far (the mainstream stuff) and you didn' t really sound convinced about that one.

I like Kaz Hirai' s love for Ridge Racer
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jun 06 12:18:33 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 20:35
First of all Ginjirou , i salute your move there, a lot of people here lack the ball to counter the so many sony haters over here, and give sony some recognition.

i totaly agree about your list and the second, those are exactly why i love sony, so i don' t have to make my top ten list, they never gave up on me since psone, their consoles always last very long... however lately it starts really to worry me, some decisions are definitly bad, but some are just very risky in today' s circonstances.

And just as Sony fanboys are ignorant and refuse to accept that Sony isn' t perfect, lots of you guys seem as ignorant when you refuse to admit that Sony has done lots of good stuff that makes them a good company. I prefer Sega and Nintendo but I still respect and like Sony for what they' ve done.
Hype isn' t the only thing that made Sony successful, that' s not possible. They actually deserve some of their success.

this is damn true, that was my point of defending sony so many times, i' m no sony fanboy and anybody who " really" think that is just plain stupid. they really deserve their success and i would never like them out of this market , ever !!

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 20:37
SONY is made up of 4 letters and is easier to both spell and type than Microsoft and Nintendo.

' Playstation 3' will be written in the Spiderman font on the side of the console!!!!

England is in general and cold country, so the extra heat will come in handy.

PS3 is rumored to also double as a grill, which will be nice for mid-game snacks.

If the machine breaks (as is common with Sony hardware), then it' llk be heavy enough to use as a doorstep.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 20:40
Ok I' ll have a go.

- I enjoyed the PS1 very much, and to a lesser extent the PS2 too.
- They have enjoyed a lot of support from developers from different backgrounds in the past.
- Previously the only platform to get interesting, adult oriented Japanese games for eg Killer 7.
- Silent Hill, Metal Gear, Zone of the Enders, Pro Evo...basically Konami I guess!
- A very stylishly and cleverly designed PStwo.
- I' m one of the few fans of the DualShock too, cos it fit my small hands! (But it' s had its time)
- I like my Sony MD player (despite the proprietary tech that stopped me from using it for a year!), and their TVs used to be the best (not sure about the Bravias..)
- That TV ad with the wolf flying round on a rocket shouting, " I' m a wolf on a rocket!" ...or something.. (anyone remember that one?? )
- For providing lots for us to be entertained by and discuss on forums in recent times, mainly in the form of Ken Kutaragi!

That' s 9 but hey I can' t think of any more. None of them necessarily mean PS3 will be good either, and I have a lot of negative sentiments about Sony as company too, but that' s for another thread.

And that Bravia ad was pure balls! (pun) I would' ve liked to have seen them do it though. Would' ve put a lot of dents in a lot of cars! And imagine if someone had walked out into the road at just the wrong time.. *du-du-doo aarg!*
< Message edited by choupolo -- 7 Jun 06 12:49:20 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 20:42
I once used a playstation console box to clean up my dogs mess.....

That' s about it really.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 20:48
Killer 7 was supposed to be a Gamecube exclusive, just like RE4!

I don' t hate Sony, or even dislike them as a company. Sure they have brought a lot to the industry, but they don' t deserve a thread dedicated to listing why people LIKE them.

Should i go start a " Why do you HATE Sony thread?"

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 20:52

Killer 7 was supposed to be a Gamecube exclusive, just like RE4!

Oops yea, of course it was, my bad! I never had a gamecube though..

Should i go start a " Why do you HATE Sony thread?"

I think the point of this thread was that there were enough of those threads..?
< Message edited by choupolo -- 7 Jun 06 12:54:51 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:02

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on
Should i go start a " Why do you HATE Sony thread?"

No, your regular posts will do just fine, we don' t need more anti-Sony comments from you .
A " Why do you like Nintendo" thread or a " why do you like Microsoft" thread would be nice though. If you interested that is. That way we can all see why we like the companies we do.
With threads such as these I hoped to get away from the whole " this company is better than this company" thing discussions usually start with and just say " this is why I like them, do you understand?" . Nice isn' t it ?
Your top five list... too bad you didn' t even try.

I don' t hate Sony, or even dislike them as a company.

Yeah, right! That comment put a big smile on my face. Oh boy. You know, what you write reflects your thoughts and the stuff you write about Sony is worse than I' ve read about Hitler. You should really think about balancing your comments so your true opinion shows. I know you are not a thoughtless Sony hater because you have lots of good reasons to dislike them but you only say negative stuff about them. You couldn' t even say two good things about them now. If you feel you are being accused of being a Sony hater you only have yourself to blame. Remember that.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jun 06 13:10:27 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:05
But there aren' t any threads like that. They' re all about specific topics that end up turning into Sony bashing sessions, and they' re fuelled by new articles about Sony f**king something else up appearing on websites every week.

I' ve said time and again that people need to get away from slating Sony, but i would never have started a thread to contest the posts in other threads that don' t say nice things about the machine.#

If anything, it' d be fairer and more sensible to have a " What has each company brought to the industry?" thread and have people list things for all three. Having a thread that is only asking for good things about one company is just inviting more slanderous comments from those who don' t agree with the threadmaker.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:09
To be fair, there are plenty of pro sony threads all over this wide internet, so if you run into a group of people who " don' t" like sony, it' s in the minority.

You should go check out 1up.com, pleanty of sony love there.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:15
Well this forum doesn' t have many people that likes Sony or even tries to express some kind of positive opinion about them and that makes this forum boring as hell. It' s probably one of the reasons why this forum has so few active members. We all think the same and as soon as someone thinks different all of us gangs up on him. I' m just waiting for Cetra and Abasufiane to leave for ever becuase I honestly can' t imagine how they can stand up with this. As soon as they express an opinion people go like " oh you stupid fuck you retard that' s wrong" and the whole forum goes " yeah, show him" !. And that only happens when people say they like Sony. As soon as someone says they like Nintendo or Microsoft the comments are much nicer. I' m trying to keep this forum sane.
If I would' ve made a thread called " 10 reasons why you like Nintendo" then no one would have cared.
" We would have" you might say but I feel that' s wrong.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:21
That' s not how it is at all! When you get idiots typing loads of rubbish and lies and claiming it' s fact, then going on about how Sony can do no wrong and that they virtually invented the gaming industry and all of the innovation that' s taken place, it' s really lame. Then when the guys who source their information and prefer to rely on fact try to explain things nicely, they don' t listen and continue to talk rubbish.

Members like Tiz, Whiteguy, Gangsta, Quez, Terry, Mass, Unlucky, Chop, Abasoufiane, Bishonen, Jtype etc... (sorry if i missed anybody out) ...are one of the main reasons i come here. I like to have discussions with like-minded (ish) gamers who know what they' re talking about.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:24
i always like to fight against an army of enemies in my games, and this forum is one of my best games ever!

i understood Cetra so many times, well there are times where he shows some fanboiysm, but how many times he said some correct stuff, he is being objective so many times and you just bashed him, not because of what he said, just because he is CETRA.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:26
No, he talked rubbish, and that' s why loads of people jumped on him.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:27
Well, for the reasons you hate it here, is the same reason i love it here.

So, it' s not all bad here.
The majority of people here are sega fans, it' s not said in the charter, and i know the moment i say it, i will get a few stragglers saying how much they don' t like sega.
But from reading any given post, it' s pretty clear.

Sega fans, the die hard ones.. Don' t really like sony, now you can come up with 10 reasons why us sega faithful should, and you might say we need to move on, and " get with the program" .
But some of us are comfortable with our denial, and will continue to hate sony nomatter what they do right.

Some of us would like to see that little bastard kutaragi begging for change in Akihabara.

There are also the nintendo fans, i don' t think they are too chummy with the sony either.
I have a theory about Xbox fans, i think the draw of jsrf and panzer dragoon filled it' s order forms.
So sony dislike is a given.

All these reasons and more, sony is a 4 letter word here.

Though, i could be wrong.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:35
Y' know what ginjirou, this is what Cetra had to say...

But first let me say that the response is very good and objective here. On other forums I would be called a damn psx n00b fanboy and stupid and not being able to realise anything.

From here...


So what you' re saying is complete rubbish.

It' s an online gaming forum, -- it' s Kikizo, -- if you come and talk sh*t, you' ll be jumped on, just like in any non-biased forum.

Some of us would like to see that little bastard kutaragi begging for change in Akihabara.

^^ this is why i love it here!

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:45

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

That' s not how it is at all! When you get idiots typing loads of rubbish and lies and claiming it' s fact, then going on about how Sony can do no wrong and that they virtually invented the gaming industry and all of the innovation that' s taken place, it' s really lame. Then when the guys who source their information and prefer to rely on fact try to explain things nicely, they don' t listen and continue to talk rubbish.

Well actually in most cases the " rubbish" was just some poor guys opinion. I think it' s rare to see comments that are completely based on lies. Lots of comments have been backed up by sources but they' ve been called " unreliable" , " Sony-biased" , " fake" and so on (I' m guilty for that too).
You listen as little as the ones you debate with do as they sometimes also try to explain things nicely.

Members like Tiz, Whiteguy, Gangsta, Quez, Terry, Mass, Unlucky, Chop, Abasoufiane, Bishonen, Jtype etc... (sorry if i missed anybody out) ...are one of the main reasons i come here. I like to have discussions with like-minded (ish) gamers who know what they' re talking about.

So you believe that those who are not like-minded don' t know what they are talking about.
And do you have to call peoples opinions stupid and such just because they' re not like-minded?

The majority of people here are sega fans

I' m a Sega fan too! They are my favourites. And Nintendo is second to them. But I can still like Sony.

My point with this thread was to show that even though most of us dislike Sony for various reasons (I dislike them,, yes) they are still doing some good stuff that no one can deny. But it seems lots of you are actually denying it. Especially Majik with his top five list. Man that was lame.

Y' know what ginjirou, this is what Cetra had to say...


But first let me say that the response is very good and objective here. On other forums I would be called a damn psx n00b fanboy and stupid and not being able to realise anything.

That was his fifth post after joining Kikizo.
I' d like to know what he has to say today.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jun 06 13:53:26 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:50
Oh.... tisk tisk tisk...I remember that forum...

This should be one of the rules to get strung up at kikizo, don' t badmouth one company to bolster the company you like, that is rule #1 of not being a fanboy.

It' s one thing for a person to pop into a forum and say, the (insert console here) is stupid, let me tell you why..And back it up with some valid points.

But to start off talking about how you don' t like a company, then having nothing to back it up with, other then a weak argument..Well you will have to be understanding as they lynch you.

Scrambled eggs+tabasco =

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:51
Oh, ok.
Well.. I see what you mean.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:53

...pushes the technological standard forward more than other companies.

...makes good products (my favs are PS1 and PSP).

...made gaming mainstream.

...included the rumble in their dual shocks instead of having an add-on (N64/DC).

...sells products with lots of value.

dualshock rumble better than addon? oh yeah cool but when I had my PSX with normal digital controller I didn' t like the idea of getting a new one.

PSP is ok but PSX was a terrible product when it comes to durability and hardware flaws

Where' s that value of their products? PS2 costs as much as Xbox and it' s just weak in comparison (not to mention the lack of HDD or ethernet card in previous versions)

MAinstream? oh yeah thank you Sony for EA and licensed games - thank you so much for the Mainstream :)

To Sony' s credit:

3RD party exclusives (MGS , FF , DQ , Capcom Stuff and so on)

PS2 controller - I liked it more (than the X one) for fighting games and action stuff (I even played ninja gaiden and DoA with it).

(I hate the idea of using dual[NO]shock for it' s 3rd generation though)

Anyway Sony will go down eventually - you can' t be arrogant like that while lying all over the place and giving people shit for a lot of money...not for long that is.

PS2 might have been said to be powerful , but it wasn' t that pricey at the time.

600 is twice the price of PS2 and I hope we' ll get at least a bit better system than the one they sold for 299.

That however could be nothing but a wishful thinking - as it always is with Sony.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 7 Jun 06 13:55:32 >

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 21:59
I called somebody' s OPINION stupid?!

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 22:00

Where' s that value of their products? PS2 costs as much as Xbox and it' s just weak in comparison (not to mention the lack of HDD or ethernet card in previous versions)

I think the PS2 had lots of value. Maybe not today when the Xbox and the PS2 cost pretty much the same but when the PS2 was released it was the first console with a DVD drive and it was released ages before the XBox or the GCN which means that the technology was more expensive.
Also, the PS2 has been able to stand up against the GCN and the XBox even though it is much weaker and it is also seeing continuing support form Sony and developers today while the Xbox and the GCN pretty much have been forsaken.
That is what I call value.

Anyway Sony will go down eventually - you can' t be arrogant like that while lying all over the place and giving people shit for a lot of money...not for long that is.

Well I believe so too as I think they' ve made some major mistakes with the PS3. But as Nintendo have, I hope they' ll learn their lessons.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 22:02
I called somebody' s OPINION stupid?!

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 22:05
Why are you making things so hard.
I don' t know if you' ve used the exact word but you' ve defenately indicated that you feel a person who wasn' t like-minded was stupid several times. Please don' t make me search through the previous threads for quotes. It' s not worth it. I' ll even take back my statement as long as I don' t have to do that.
Btw, I called Abasoufiane stupid

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 22:07
Somebody' s opinion is their opinion and i always respect that. If, however, they opely state that their oipinion has been formed on what i know to be lies/false information, then i will tell them so.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 22:07
I will admit one thing about the people who developed software for the playstation.

They can make ANYTHING work!

Toasters, microwave ovens, eletric pencil sharpeners and beer bottles filled with 3 week old flat beer,
I expect to see a god of war game for all these items.

True professionals!

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 23:04
you still think i' m stupid ginjirou ?

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 23:17

you still think i' m stupid ginjirou ?


God I hate you for making me say this...


I don' t...

think you' re ..stupid.

I never did.

Now I' m going to kill myself.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 23:21

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 07, 2006 23:22

ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane

Had to swallow a bit of my pride there.

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 08, 2006 00:13
I' m staying well clear of this one...

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RE: 10 reasons why you LIKE Sony - Jun 08, 2006 00:19

Also, the PS2 has been able to stand up against the GCN and the XBox even though it is much weaker and it is also seeing continuing support form Sony and developers today while the Xbox and the GCN pretty much have been forsaken.

It' s not hard to support the system that sold 80 mln units - GCN has some support but it' s neglectable , while Xbox is dead - MS killed it just like that.

If Sony were the unsuccesful guys do you really think they would' ve supported it?

Ans while we' re at it , DC had much better games and graphics than 1st PS2 titles and DVD wasn' t popular at that time.

Year later when GCN and Xbox arrived PS2 started having some games worth playing.Year is not eternity.

DC shipped for 200$ while PS2 with less RAM shipped for 300 - I don' t watch DVD on consoles - for that I have a DVD player.For people like me paying for that kind of drive is ok if you don' t cut hardware (like RAM) costs for it.Same goes for PS3 if gameinquirer' s report is true.

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