FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06

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Vx Chemical
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 26, 2006 15:46

have only heard from about 5 so far and we prefer to send out in bulk... so somebody please encourage the slackers to get a move on...? :)

Hey Adam, some of the people havent logon on for several months, i dont want to wait for them

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 26, 2006 16:17
Hey Adam, I sent you my e-mail, or should I say e-mails. I sent you one asking for Halo 2, but then realised it' s discounted, so sent u a second one, asking for the multiplayer map pack also. Thanx man.

When are the upgrades coming by the way?
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 26, 2006 21:51
87 girlfriends!!!

He' s a bsy busy man!

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 01:23
87 girlfriends?, pah loser. Go get a proper Job and come back with your shirt tucked in you junkie. these girls arent going to fill that empty hole in your heart, what you need to do is settle down with an nice older girl who knows what she is doiung and has been around the block, give up this website business and start a family.

dosent that sound much better?

and you might as well Say Goodbye To your FREEDOM!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 03:02
You' re just saying that because you finally won one.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 07:36
Holy cow, I dissapear for a week,and Kikizo goes and announces the forum winners and makes the big move on merging the movies forum. Congrats to all the winners. Now once all of you pick Shadow of the Colossus, we can all get back to our regular lives.

Chee Saw
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 08:34
It was a tough choice, but I chose Oblivion: Collector' s Edition! That game looks SO sweet! I thought about Shadow of the Colossus, Ghost Recon: AW, and Rumble Roses XX, but since I probably won' t be buying any games soon due to lack of funds, I figured I' d get more time in with Oblivion than any of the other titles (maybe not RR:XX!).

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 12:40
where are the old members? mxpx just showed up, but rikka, joe red, chikapoo, cheesaw u haven' t been here for a while either, whatabout paul, sharon, kombatfighter. Is it something about the videogames section or u guys just busy? anyway, just wondering, it doesn' t feel the same.
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Game Junkie
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 14:56
Sorry mxpx my ps2 died on me years ago. Actually only a few months after buying the fucking thing, at least I go to play Tekken Tag and Twisted Metal Black. I' m not a sucker so I would never buy the same console twice. So no Shadow of Collosus for me.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 23:20
To be honest I think the reason alot of people don' t come around here anymore are a number of reasons. 1, some of us probably have gotten busier. I know having a new daughter takes up alot of my time. 2 news in general has sucked lately. The forums were huge back at E3 with the console announcements and such, and then things picked up again with the revolution contoller announcment, but things lately aren' t as interesting, it' ll pick up again at E3 this year. 3, I think that with the way the forums exploded with new members, there' s less of a comunity feel, if you post in a thread, chances are that thread will be pushed off the page before you get back to it. 4, the inundation of useless posts. With new members come new idiots, and while I like many of the new members, there are those that come on and post flood and it' s just freakin annoying.

Vx Chemical
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 27, 2006 23:29
I miss some of the old " posters" here. Like you Mxpx182, and CheeSaw, and rampage, and Loco, and ofcourse others.

Now i might be one of the useless members Mx is talking about

Adam Doree
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 00:56
I would hardly say there is an explosion of new members. Some forums have several hundred users online AT THE SAME TIME and yet there is a community feel still. What would benefit things is if some of the familiar faces that are missing came back though...

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 01:20
We need Kikizo t-shirts!

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 02:26 about you guys at Kikizo doing more cheerleading?....

...there' s only like, 2 or sometimes 3 of you guys conversing with us lowly and unwashed heathen forum users....

...if you wanna fight the war, you gotta get your butts in the trenches...
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Mass X
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 02:48
Heheh I' m having trouble keeping up with posts these days. I leave for the weekend and come back to find several new pages worth of posts with new topics already several pages deep.

I' m currently at the part of life where I have to make a whole load of decisions that may or may not affect the rest of my life...bad thing is I' m not taking it too seriously yet...

Chickapoo88 may be moving in with me soon, so she' ll probably pop on more often. She' s stuck with leaching off someone elses wireless...shhh.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 05:41
heh trust me, i know when a forum loses its ' coummunity' and Kikizo hasnt nor ever will lose it, just people come and go, thats life.

I remember i got quite involved a game forum from since it was annonced, and up to the 3 years it was in devolepment untill the flood of newbies [not all noobs] destroyed that beatiful ' we know the devs and the devs know us' kind of thing. I still go there, but not as much anymore, we lost some good oldbies that faithfull day.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 06:02
mxpx ur right. I was thinking that there' s waaay too many posts to follow up. If you come in everyday, it' s pretty simple, but if you come in once in a while, like once in 3-4 days, then yeah, most probabily the topic you were interested in will be in the second page. And the topics are not that heavy either, like the ps3 hands on report, so they keep getting tranfered from 1st to 2nd page.

Kikizo' s PS3 hand' s on report stayed for a while. I think there is enough news to post topics about, it' s just that people have to be interested in them so they can post their ideas and comments.
< Message edited by KiLLeR -- 27 Feb 06 17:03:58 >
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 06:17
Hey, I' m not saying there is no community feel to this place. I still recognize nearly all the posters, and in that way there is a very real community feel. What feels like less community to me is the topics dissapearing so quickly on the topic pages. If you are following a particular topic, and it' s wiped to the second page everytime you comeback here, not only do you not see it, but the PEOPLE who you were hoping to see your response, and reply also don' t see it, and thus never even know you wrote anything.

Mass X
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 06:24

but the PEOPLE who you were hoping to see your response, and reply also don' t see it, and thus never even know you wrote anything.

Hm I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Like you get a debate,convo, argument, question, etc going and then suddenly it gets buried and it just goes quietly into the night unnoticed and forgotten.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 06:50
which is why I check out the second page also, but I don' t go further than that.
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Feb 28, 2006 09:54

but the PEOPLE who you were hoping to see your response, and reply also don' t see it, and thus never even know you wrote anything.

I know. I sometimes double post things to try and get them into the conversation if they' ve been missed by the people i wanted to discuss it with...

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 02, 2006 01:09

I know. I sometimes double post things to try and get them into the conversation if they' ve been missed by the people i wanted to discuss it with...

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 02, 2006 02:05
It' s 1273 now (at the time of writing), but no, ...that' s not why it' s so high...

Adam Doree
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 02, 2006 02:37
You don' t need to read every last post in a forum to be considered regular. When the forum starts to do 80 new topics a day and 50 posts per topic you can catch up on what' s of interest but you will still see familiar faces all the time.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 02, 2006 05:48
Do you read most of the topics then adam?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 03, 2006 07:50
Congrats to the winners!!!!

I am still here! I read and lurk. I enjoy all of your hillarious conversations and banters. I just get shy around new people, so I have to wait until I get confortable to post again.

I don' t have the same excuse as Mxpx - no new baby for me, but real life has caused a bit of a kink into my leaisure time for the moment. But I am not dead, and I am here in spirit if not in post form.

Vx Chemical
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 03, 2006 17:15
Hey Adam i pinged you on the email.

Yes i know im annoying!

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 05, 2006 03:31
so, eh, when can we expect these bad boys to land in our doorsteps?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Game Junkie
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 05, 2006 10:23

so, eh, when can we expect these bad boys to land in our doorsteps?

not before Adam recieves an email from all the winners, they like to send them out all at once.

Vx Chemical
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 09, 2006 15:32
Anyone received anything yet? or heard from Adam?

I tried changing my game to Oblívion, and i have no idea if it got through
Somehow when Oblivion went gold it was more appealing than Quake 4.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 09, 2006 18:58
Not yet Vx. The bad thing, is that i chose Fight Night Round 3 for 360 and it' s out tomorrow...

Vx Chemical
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 09, 2006 19:45
I Think ill try trading some old games for GRAW tomorrow. i can maybe soare a bit of the money for the game if i trade 2 old titles in

I hope im getting OB and not Q4

Game Junkie
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 01:52
Trading in games is such a rip off. Give three and get one. I gave away 9 games in the past year and have almost nothing to show for it. Even if you' re not playing the games anymore, you might miss them later and new game you got will feel just as old as the three you gave away. Since I got burned I' ve decided to save my money to buy games instead of pissing away my collection.

Vx Chemical
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 02:34
Yeah but since im jobless, trading in old games for a new one is the only choice, besides i have some gamecube games i dont use anymore!

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 03:22
I dont think you get a Oblivion for quake4...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 04:03
yes he can, one full priced game, ob and q4 are both the same full priced game, so it should be an easy transfer, that is, unless adam bought the game allready..
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Vx Chemical
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 04:42
I think Quez misunderstood the point. I hope Adam didnt by the game, i just cant get a hold of him, i emailed both the winner mail, and his account here on kikizo, he probably thinks in annoying

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 08:13
I meant in a store...if you wanna exchange.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Game Junkie
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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 13:41

Yeah but since im jobless, trading in old games for a new one is the only choice, besides i have some gamecube games i dont use anymore!

Well Gamecube games are a different story, infact I wonder how much EBgames would give me for my Gamecube,two controllers and Super Smash Bros.

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RE: FORUM WINNERS: May 05 - Feb 06 - Mar 10, 2006 20:21
I traded in 3 xbox games today,got like 20 dollars for them.
Unreal championship/amped2 and morrowind.
Bought GRAW :P
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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