Too Human Vid

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Too Human Vid - Dec 03, 2007 22:54
This has been out for a couple of days and most of you must have seen it . I know most of you haters have started to appreciate too human , but arent ready to admit it ..

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RE: Too Human Vid - Dec 03, 2007 22:56
Watched it the other day...

Reminded me of how bad the game looks...

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RE: Too Human Vid - Dec 03, 2007 23:03
I don' t think so . It isn' t the most stunning looking game and i don' t think SK are aiming for that but the game looks like it is going to deliver .

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RE: Too Human Vid - Dec 03, 2007 23:32
I disagree. It looks seriously sub-par.

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RE: Too Human Vid - Dec 03, 2007 23:48
I' m excited for it.
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RE: Too Human Vid - Dec 04, 2007 02:15
So am I.

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RE: Too Human Vid - Dec 04, 2007 06:35
7.5 - 8.5 At best. I find it amusing that they' re trying to appeal to the gamer crowd with psychobabble. The guys that are too good to use the word " fun" .

" When the user is engaged in Flow.... they lose track of time. That' s when you know that they' re really experiencing Flow"

Watch, as my careful editing skills bring deeper meaning to the quote.

" When the user is having fun.... they lose track of time. That' s when you know that they' re really having fun.

Now see how much deeper and more meaningful the first one wa-waitaminute....

Oh never mind.

It looks seriously sub-par.

I wouldn' t say that. It looks par. Nothing horrible, but nothing to make it stick out either. I won' t be buying *or* renting unless they really pull out the stops before release.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 3 Dec 07 22:37:28 >

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RE: Too Human Vid - Dec 04, 2007 06:43
I was looking foward to the game but Majik convinced me not to give my hopes up.

I' m not even thinking about future games at the moment. Spore, SC2, Huxley, GTA4, Killzone 2, MGS4 and Tekken 6. I think that' s it. Those are pretty far away. I have all the other games I was looking foward to.

" When the user is engaged in Flow.... they lose track of time. That' s when you know that they' re really experiencing Flow"

Watch, as my careful editing skills bring deeper meaning to the quote.

" When the user is having fun.... they lose track of time. That' s when you know that they' re really having fun.

lol Yeah I saw that too.
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