New Too Human vid !!

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New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 02:21

Have the animations improved a bit or is it just me wanting them to improve . Seems SK are hard at work . They have just made things difficult for themselves with sloppy vids and unnecessary contorversies . I just hope this game does well commercially . I would play this game just for the story.

Too Human

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 04:19
It seemed a lot better for me as well! The combat looks fluent and fun, i cant wait for the demo!

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 04:27
yes it looks better but soemthing is still lacking, the cutscenes look awesome, the atmospgere lok epic ( almost in the same league as mass effect) but still , something is not great and i can' t figure it out... may be the graphics in those gameplay shots weren' t good ?

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 05:01
It' s not a major improvement but it does look better than it did last time we saw it.

The framerate and animations seem much improved and the combat is looking better. Not fantastic, but better. I think my only critism right now would be that the fighting just doesn' t look epic like it does in God of War. Hell, the enemies just stand there and do nothing. They need to sort that out because it just doesn' t look fun.

I think it' s pretty obvious that they' re combating their (stupid) decision to limit/handicap/ruin the control scheme for fighting by simply giving you tons of weapons. You won' t have tons of moves for each one but here will be loads of them.

So far i still wouldn' t buy it. Not with games like Ninja Gaiden 2 and Devil May Cry 4 on the horizon.

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 05:29
Though you shouldnt trust reviews fully, i think i will listen somewhat on thist title, especially the story and background seems like its worth notting, and if the gameplay is atleast entertaining, ill get it, because im a sucker for good storylines!

It ofcourse depends on what else is released around the same time!

BTW preloading Orange Box on steam as we speak! Damn thing only cost 50$ with tax. If i buy a 360 game at a EB games store, they easily run up to 100$ talk about getting ripped off!

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 07:08
What version of CoD4 do you want?

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 09:19

If i buy a 360 game at a EB games store, they easily run up to 100$ talk about getting ripped off!

Well you' re still paying for the console with every game aren' t you.

The cutscenes are what will be best about this game. I have no hope for the actual gameplay to match the likes of DMC.

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 11:29

I think my only critism right now would be that the fighting just doesn' t look epic like it does in God of War. Hell, the enemies just stand there and do nothing. They need to sort that out because it just doesn' t look fun.

yeah that would be one of the reasons i thought the game isn' t great, even the enemies look generic and as i said before the graphics aren' t great in the gameplay, themain character look badass though , very charismatic..

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 11:41

ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane

I think my only critism right now would be that the fighting just doesn' t look epic like it does in God of War. Hell, the enemies just stand there and do nothing. They need to sort that out because it just doesn' t look fun.

yeah that would be one of the reasons i thought the game isn' t great, even the enemies look generic and as i said before the graphics aren' t great in the gameplay, themain character look badass though , very charismatic..

Too Human has never come across as a game like GoW/NG/etc in my view. Looks way more like Diablo in the sense of a hack and slash RPG, where enemies aren' t necessarily smart, they just overwhelm you in numbers. This is not to say it won' t be fun either. Diablo 2 was and still is a blast to play and if SK get it right, they could be on to something.

I think this is a game where we definitely need something like a Demo to see what it' s really all about. Until then I' m not really going to pass judgment on it. Good to see that the controversies have not visibly effected development either.

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 12:12
I dont think the combat will be anything similar to GoW , NG or dmc4 . Since this is an rpg i can live with a reasonably entertaining combat system . Ofcourse i would love to have a combatt system like dmc in an rpg , now that would be a kick ass game .

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 12:53
Those graphics are amazing. So realistic when the car passes by the building. And the guy with the blue cap ;)

But seriously, I like the style of the game and it feels epic somehow. Here and there I can recognize some typical texture " look" for SK. Not saying if it' s bad or good or so :P I think what could set the game apart is its scope in the end.

PS Let' s hope that the gamers will have as much fun as the employees seem to have at work there ;)

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 18:29
Too Human looks too bad. Is this even supposed to be good?

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 20:11

What version of CoD4 do you want?

The 360 version, iv favored the 360 for all games, only reason i got the Orange box on PC was i have everything else valve on the PC

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 20:17

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

What version of CoD4 do you want?

The 360 version, iv favored the 360 for all games, only reason i got the Orange box on PC was i have everything else valve on the PC

That makes sense. 360 it is.

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 20:27
New World Exclusive Trailer at

The game is a definite purchase for me, I think it looks great. The art direction alone makes me interested and I have great faith in SK.
The only complaint I have is that in one of the previous trailers there was a cut-scene with a fight and I didn' t like the direction of the fight. The fights should be rough, brutal and heavy but they just had to go with the flow and make bullet time kung fu high jump crap. That belongs in anime and crap like that. This game should have more " realistic" fighting.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Oct 07 12:27:43 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 06, 2007 21:30
The animations are definetly improved. At E3 denis said demo soon.

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 07, 2007 00:32
Awesome trailer . The look and feel is a bit more polished . Animations improved but still room for improvement . This new trailer has got me hyped upfor this game all over again .. Now give me the freaking demo SK .

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RE: New Too Human vid !! - Oct 07, 2007 01:35

The game is a definite purchase for me, I think it looks great. The art direction alone makes me interested and I have great faith in SK.

I also liked the art direction actually. It' s a bit different compared to a lot of other games I think.